This only thing reduces your long -standing risk by 55%, a new study reveals

The latest research indicates that this can be a major determining factor in the development of the condition.

After more than two and a half years of life with Covid-19, it becomes almost easy to forget thatThe virus always spreads. Recent figures show that the two weeks of the United StatesNew house in the case of new holds flat at 37,665, on October 31, byThe New York Times. But in addition to the many people who contract the virus, there are also those who suffer from its effects from weeks and months after erased their initial infections with a long covid. Over time, scientists finally get more answers on the condition, including which it is more likely to affect. Read the rest to see what a new study said could increase your long -standing risk by 55%.

Read this then:Having this common state of health reduces your covid risk, says a new study.

Recent studies have shown that the number of people with "long -standing increase" increases ".

medical professional performing covid test
Zigic Drazen / Shutterstock

Over time, the evolution of the Sars-Cov-2 virus has kept the medical community on its guard. Each new subvariant has opened the possibility of increased transmissibility or a change in the severity of the disease it can cause. But recent research has also shown that problems with a long coconut could become more common in those infected.

In a study by a group of scientists from the University of the City of New York (Cuny), which has not yet been evaluated by peers, the researchers used the results of the survey drawn from3,042 respondents in the United States Between June 30 and July 2. The questions covered the COVVI-19 tests and its results for each patient, the symptoms they felt and if they had developed persistent symptoms after their initial infection. The analysis showed that 21% of respondents said they wereLive with long cocovies Four weeks from their initial infection, Daily Beast reported.

The researchers pointed out that their results showed a slight peak in relation to a long covid study conducted by the centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in June, who revealed that 19% of patients reported difficulties with the persistent condition . "Despite an increased level of protection against the long coconut against vaccination, the total number of people with very caps in the United States may increase", "Denis Nash, PHD, epidemiologist and principal author of Cuny Study, told Daily Beast, adding that more people report prolonged side effects every day than what would recover.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Our understanding of long symptoms can cause more and more apparent over time. According to the CDC, those who develop the disease may experience "a wide range of symptoms that can last more than four weeks or even months after infection", including everything, from fever and general discomfort to respiratory and heart problems serious and neurological symptoms such as "Brain Fog", among others.

A new study reveals that only one thing could increase your risk of contracting a length of 55%.

Sick woman on couch

Now, new research shows which people could be more sensitive to a prolonged fight with the virus. The latest information comes from aOnline survey of 41,415 adults Led in the two weeks ending on October 17 with the US Census Bureau (USCB) and the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). As one of the questions, the respondents were asked if they suffered from long covids, defined as "any symptom of three months or more that you did not have before having coronavirus or covid-19" .

The results showed that14% of adults In the United States, the United States has experienced the persistence at some point since the start of the pandemic, while seven percent - or around 18 million people - report it, reports CNBC. But that also exposed a significant variation: while almost 11% of respondents said that they had developed for a long time, more than 17% of the women interviewed said they had lived the in progress symptoms, marking an increase of 55%.

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Other recent studies have found susceptibilities similar to a long cocoat.

A lab technician looks at samples through a microscope

The latest survey is not the only new research that revealed that women seem to be more likely toDevelop long covid. A study published on October 27 in theJournal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) collected the responses to the survey from16,091 respondents which had been tested positive for COVID-19 at least two months before. The results showed that 18% of patients still reporting symptoms after two months were women, compared to 10 percent who were men.

Other previous research has suggested the same connection. In a study presented in April at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases in Lisbon, the researchers analyzed the data of aGroup of 428 patients Composed of 251 men and 174 women treated in an ambulatory service for COVVI-19 recovery from June 2020 to June 2021. The results highlighted the typical symptoms caused by the original strain of the virus and the Alpha variant, which were Both dominant at different points during the data period. However, they also found that the women of the group were twice as likely that men to report the development of the long coco.

A study published in March 2021 of the University of Glasgow revealed thatwomen under the age of 50 were seven times more likely to report a breathless sensation and twice as likely to report the fatigue in progress compared to men seven months after their treatment for COVVI-19,Forbes reported. And another study published the same month conducted by researchers from the University of Leicester concluded thatwomen aged 40 to 60 were the patients most likely to be affected by a long cocovan.

The data also suggests that variants and sub-variants could play a role.

A man lying on the couch with tissues around him feeling symptoms of COVID-19 or the flu

In addition to the results on women being more likely to develop a long cocvid, USCB and NCH data also highlighted the severity of the persistent condition for one or the other sex. The results showed that, while 1.3% of men said that long-term symptoms reduced their "ability to carry out daily activities" compared to their fight with COVID-19, around 2.4% of women have Declared the same thing, CNBC reports.

However, theJama The study also established other links between the results and strains of the virus. Research has shown that 60% of patients who have developed a long coconut had contracted the original version of the virus, while 17 and 10% were infected with the Delta and Omicron variants, respectively, reports CNBC. He also found that 87% of patients who said that the development of Covid Long were not vaccinated.

"There may be differences in these strains and to what extent they are likely to cause long covids that could teach us something about the reasons why it happens", "ROY PERLIS, MD, the main author ofJama The study and co -director of the Center for Quantitative Health at Massachusetts General Hospital, told CNBC.

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