8 simple tricks to get rid of anxiety and stress

Anxiety is one of the most bulky evils of modern society and stress has become a life partner in the everyday life of millions of people around the world. But why?

Anxiety is one of the most bulky evils of modern society and stress has become a life partner in the everyday life of millions of people around the world. But why? The hectic life we ​​have built absorbs all our energies and puts it so much pressure that we overload us with things to do absolutely, of people to meet, of places to see. But let's forget that true happiness is in moments of calm, peace and quiet, which have nothing to do with the frenzy of the world. Can you remember as it is when you feel happy and relax? Here are 8 simple tricks to get rid of anxiety and stress right away.

Deep breaths

The easiest way to return to the here and now it's just breathing. Sit down, relax, turn off all the gadgets you bring you behind, open the window to get some fresh air, and inspire. Lens and deep breaths. You can put a hand on your stomach to feel more involved in this process. Exhale, relaxing as much as possible. Focus all your attention on your breath, slows down until you feel at ease. It is the easiest and fastest way to calm and get rid of negative emotions. The deep breaths slow down the heartbeats naturally, to calm down your mind.

Listen to nature

Even if you live in the heart of the town jungle or for a thousand other reasons you currently cannot go out, there are alternative ways to enjoy the relaxing effects of Mother Nature. If you feel the need for a unique view to get the feeling of being outdoors, simply download some videos and spend time watching them without interruption. Another way can be to listen to the sounds of nature (YouTube is full of registrings of this type), sit comfortable and let yourself be transported to a trip to the forest, among the pastures, between the mountains, the rainforests and other breathtaking views. Some studies have shown that people who live in closer contact with nature live better and longer, and have more serene minds than those who live in the city. Your anxiety will disappear instantly!

Disconnected by social media

In periods of greatest stress and anxiety it is important to disconnect from the world of social media and reduce the flow of information to which it is exposed. Most of the anxiety we feel is born in moments in which we look at the news, we read about the life of other people, of particular situations and the problems of the world. You are emotionally involved in things that you really can't change (unless you are seriously considering the possibility of actively doing something), but anxiety and stress increases and the only way you have to stay better is to interrupt This exhibition. If you see someone who apparently is experiencing a better life than yours, happy siine! And if someone fills you with the days of negativity, move away. This type of "cleaning" will make you a more serene person.


There is no need to start a course online with the most enthusiastic of the coaches to feel better, but some little exercises every day is important to remind you of your body and your needs. Doing exercises regularly not only will make you safer than you, but will make you sleep better and improve your general well-being. The training encourages the release of endorphins in your body that immediately improve your mood and well-being. Door exercises also reduces cortisol levels, stress hormone. And you will also sleep much better!

Try aromatherapy

Essential oils are known for their medical properties, some of them have a strong calming power and considerably reduce the levels of anxiety. Lavender, the Neroli and the sandalwood have purifying properties and will make your rooms more fragrant and fresh, while rose or ylang-ylang oils, franchincense, will withdraw your mind and fill the air of sweet perfumes . You can put a few drops in a special aromatic lamp or simply use a candle. The heat of the flame will spoil the perfume throughout the room.

Laugh more

If you feel that doing exercises and go around doesn't help you feel better, try laughing to squarce throat! Yes, you can do that. A sound laugh even though at that moment you don't feel right in the vein. Watch your favorite TV series or a comedy and remains there glued until you start hurt your belly with laughter! It is the best antistress remedy, an explosion of endorphins that will make you feel better.

Take your friends hand

Various studies have shown that spending time with friends and family is fundamental for their own well-being. Not at all we are social creatures and when we feel a little bit of morality, being alone is the worst thing we can do. Even talking to your animal friends can make you feel better, so you will stop tart your heart with the things that make you feel more sick. Looking forward to your friends and family members will focus your attention on their lives, their problems and their happy moments. All this will help your body produce more oxytocine, a strong stress reducer. An advantage for everyone!


Meditation is one of the most effective calming techniques that increase self-awareness and the feeling of well-being. It brings you back to yourself, to your body, to what surrounds you, to your mood. You can observe everything that is happening to you at that precise moment. You can not worry about what you will come and not give any importance to what has already happened. Meditation techniques are really so many and you can simply choose the one that best suits you: listening to relaxing music, breathing, turn on a candle and watch the flame until your mind relax or simply look at you at the window and enjoy the panorama. The trick is simple: stop worrying and start enjoying the present.

Categories: Lifestyle
Tags: stress
By: amy-seing
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