How to be sure of pleasure to a boy

In this world made of appearances and comfortable, it is not easy to understand if the person we face is sincere or not. If we talk about love, the difficulty must be multiplied by one hundred! How do you understand if the guy you like or with whom you are going out really taken by you? How do you do and be sure to like it?

In this world made of appearances and comfortable, it is not easy to understand if the person we face is sincere or not. If we talk about love, the difficulty must be multiplied by one hundred! How do you understand if the guy you like or with whom you are going out really taken by you? How do you do and be sure to like it? We tell you!

No ringings

The first iron rule to apply to understand if really likes is to avoid being sucked into an emotional vortex of lightings, uncertainties and continuous queries. It remains serene, enjoy the moments together and keep eyes and ears open. Pay attention to what he does and what he says, the rest will come by himself.

The body does not mind

It is scientifically proven that, in any communicative exchange, the words are worth up to a certain point. Only 7% of the communication is conveyed by words, the rest of travel on the non-verbal: facial expressions, body position, look, hands. All "Speak" and unlike simple sentences, the body cannot lie!

The look

The look test works a little with anyone, not just in love. Obviously he can't give you a mathematical certainty, but in the vast majority of cases, if he talks to you gaining in his eyes, your man is sincere.

Small attentions

The attentions he shows towards you are another small big clue. If when you are together he is attentive to details, to your little needs, to small gestures that can make you smile and feel good then he is real interest. Taking care of someone requires energies and dedication and no one is willing to do so if there is no real interest!

The position of the body

Even the most computers, those who study everything in the smallest details cannot escape the natural position of the body, which adapts to what they perceive mind and psyche. If we are attracted to someone, our body will be taken towards the subject of our interest. Otherwise, it is held at a distance and there is a closing attitude.

How much do you try?

Who writes first? He writes you only if you write to you first? How much does he answer to messages? The answers to these questions can give you a big help to understand how high it is the interest of him towards you. "Good morning" messenger, a quick phone call or a simple "how are you?" Halfway, just to hear your voice or to really know how you are, they are irrefutable evidence you really like you!


Here is the only and irreplaceable proof of 9! How much do you laugh together? How much does he laugh when he is with you? There is nothing more beautiful than feeling good and having fun with someone and if he is serene, happy, he laughs and seeks in every way to make you laugh, well, you can be sure to like him a lot!

Categories: Relationships
Tags: love
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