Achille Lauro, between private life and extravagant performances

Achille conquers as it is: free, eccentric, above the lines. He is an artist. But are you sure you really know everything about him?

On the stage of Sanremo 2020 we loved it. Lasua song was nice, but the performance of him have been even more! Achilles conquers as it is: free, eccentric, above the lines. Is an artist. But are you sure you really know everything about him? Well ... if the answer is no, don't worry! We'll think about it. And know that some visual info will ... Achilles is much much more than what it seems!

The first info

Lauro (because this is the real name of him) was born on 11 July 1990. The father Nicola de Marinis, a native of Gravina di Pugliaè a magistrate of the Court of Cassation. The Mother Cristina Zambon, Veronese, currently deals with the Son agency, no face. He grows in the IIimunicio of Rome and at the age of 14 he chooses to go and live with Fet (Federico, his older brother) in a house assiduously frequented by aciors and musicians. Virtually, he grows breathing art.

Art name

Lauro de Marinis decides to adopt an art name in the 2012, at the time ofBarabba AndHarvard. In an interview, he told to have chosen just Achille Lauro because many associated the name of him Neapolitan armor alkamer, Achille Lauro. Precisely.


Do you remember it in Beijing Express in 2017? Suoligio with Antonella Elia remained in the history of TV. The teamComposers, "Composed" by Lauro Ededoardo Manozzi (in artBoss Doms) He arrived in third place, but their participation has a lot of fun. Ilpubblico and made the share of listening a lot.

Rolls Royce

Sanremo 2019. Achille Lauro splits on the ariston palcodon. With a unpublished song, written by him, from Davide Petrella, conla direction of the inseparable friend Boss Doms. He has burned Ariston and herespettors as it happened with a few times. And it's a piece that will restore her history of Italian music for a long time.



Unlike what you might think, Achille Lauronon is the kind of character looking for popularity at all costs. He shows him the fact that it is practically impossible to know something about his girlfriend. Also, as he himself said in an interview with Venier, she is engaged to her time, nobody knows who lucky is. She who knows if she will help you sooner or later.

The books

Eh already ... because Achille Lauro loves words and not just music. He loves them all. His first bookI am a hilarious, published by Rizzoli, is in the bookstore from January of the year. Rumors say he's going to get another one. Let's wait!


We can tell us those that we want, look at the performance of him with an open mouth or storing his nose, expressing admiration or dissent depending on our taste. Mauna What is certain: Achille Lauro is an artist. Curious, eclectic and faithful to session. And as he himself stated several times, the performances of him, that invalids seem improvised, they are actually studied and require a lot of work. Why as for all things done right, you have to work there! A thousand applause for creativity and professionalism!


The first album comes out in 2014,Achilles Immortal Idol, a title a program. In 2015 it is the turn ofGod is there And the following year it comes outMother boys. In 2018,Pour l'amour and last year1969. We are waiting for1990. For now we can enjoy are the single.

Categories: Fun
By: yen
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