Surprising confessions: 9 boys reveal their weaknesses

Here are 9 unimaginable revelations on what really makes men lose men.

So many women are convinced that to lose his head a boy is something quite simple: find out a little 'more cleavage, waddle like a cat and you're done! Sometimes it is true, it takes so little! Yet, it would be a mistake to think that all men give with the same trivial stratagems. Some of them let themselves be conquered with enough "ordinary" gimmicks that have nothing to do with sex. Or at least not directly. Many others simply give more details and fun temptations or other quite extraordinary. There are devices that intrigue both men and women, which stimulate them to give the best of themselves, and not just in bed. Very simple things like the laugh of a girl, her intelligence or her privacy (yes, confidentiality still like).
Here are 9 unimaginable revelations about what really makes men lose their heads.

She who laughs at his jokes
To conquer a man is not always necessary to be seductive or ancheggiargli in miniskirts under his nose. Some guys just listen to the laughter of a girl who laughs at their jokes. Some seem always so reserved and cheerful when they are interested in a man, still smiling, they began to have a particularly small light in the eyes and the guys are something absolutely irresistible! The trick is always fun!

The bathroom that smells good after she showered
And we do not go into the details! A boy has confessed that the thing that makes him really speed the beats is the bathroom that he smells good after the girl than he did the shower. He knows he is a bit 'strange and would not be at all surprised if they even thought of us. Girls always use bubble bath that smell good, but when the scent is that of the woman you love she is able to recognize it with your eyes closed! Interacting with other human beings we use all the senses: sight, touch, smell. That's why a scent can be as exciting as a neckline.

A beautiful voice
Already! The voice is important, no doubt. Of a girl not only affects the appearance of her, but also the sound of her voice! I am convinced that this is the last thing that you would have never thought before going out with someone, but it is crucial for both men and women. We are attracted to certain frequencies and vibrations, and we all have a unique voice and different. It's like the natural smell that everyone's wearing, can be seductive or may not like it at all. Some guys fall in love using your ears and, of course, is something we are not able to control. Having a beautiful voice means having more chances to win a man than those who did not have it.

Knowing how to make an interesting conversation
The brain is like black, is good on everything! And many men know that it is so. The intelligence can not be the priority of all the boys, but many of them do not stand up to an intelligent girl who can carry on an interesting conversation. It is difficult to launch into a relationship with someone you can not even talk. For many confront a pleasant topic is the ideal preliminary. Many like girls who know everything, who read virtually everything that could be read. But be careful not to make them look like fools! Rarely kids will bear. Aside from that, do not be afraid to show your intelligence because men find it beautiful.

Security and modesty
It is a rare combination, but if you think about it a moment, it works! Security in a woman always attracts everyone 's attention, whether she's dressed like a doll sexy is that she is going to make shopping with jeans and sneakers. It does not matter! The girls who flaunt safety always capture the attention of a man and stimulate their interest because they are never an easy prey and is well known that boys like to "go hunting", metaphorically speaking. Then there is the modesty, because when a woman is too confident, and not at all humble, always seems a bit '(or a little' too much) bitch. And although some continue to consider it an attractive quality in the long run kills any relationship. The humble girls and self-confident, however, know who they are and not feel the need to flaunt their whole world. They are just happy to be themselves. And some kids find it irresistible.

Dress light
Many guys have confessed that this is the kind of clothing that attracts them more, because it is at the same time sexy and a bit traditionalist. I'm not just the little opaque clothes and drizzled drizzles to run their heads, but also fresh and lightweight clothes. Others said they prefer elegance to nakedness and this also likes women. Good to know that there are men like that! Sometimes it is better to leave something at the imagination rather than exposing all the merchandise to the first opportunity.

A girl reading a book to a party
It's definitely strange. Who would go to a party with a book in the bag? If you want to read something you can stay safely at home, but if you have to go to a party, put the most beautiful dress you have and go to have fun! Obviously, you could happen by chance and you could get bored, but honestly I don't think it's something that happens very often. However, the fact that some guys have named this circumstance like something really seductive means that it really happened! Incredible!

Red hair and freckles
There is no doubt that red hair is beautiful and obviously magnetic. So flaming! We do not know if the boys are fascinated by the exact combination of light and freckled skin with fire red hair. There are not many in Rosse around, they are almost an extinction species. That's why many men consider her a rarity and as soon as they see one fall in love. These girls are really lucky and don't need anything else except to be if they were.

The clavicole
Strangeness of all forms and size. Some kids admitted to losing his head for a girl simply looking at her clavici. They were unable to say exactly what they were so attractive, but we know, we all have a weakness for a detail of the body to which we do not know how to resist. A thin neck or fleshy lips. A percentage of men goes mad for clavici and is really strange! They have all women and they are practically always identical. So, girls never go around too much weakened and you'll be perfect!

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