14 errors that can scare your partner flee
A new relationship can be as frightening as an exciting vertigo - you can sabotage because you are crazy about this person and you act from time to time so crazy. It's hard to decode the emotions of the other by trying to understand yours. Slow down and read these tips to maximize your flowering relationship and cultivate a healthy basis between you and your partner, without scaring him. Here are some tips not to do.

A new relationship can be as frightening as an exciting vertigo - you can sabotage because you are crazy about this person and you act from time to time so crazy. It's hard to decode the emotions of the other by trying to understand yours. Slow down and read these tips to maximize your flowering relationship and cultivate a healthy basis between you and your partner, without scaring him. Here are some tips not to do.
1. Lying or any other form of "betrayal". It is to be manipulative and regain confidence can be difficult then, sometimes impossible. Honesty is always rewarded.
2. Do not communicate well. Little or not communicating can end an early relationship, it's for sure.
3. Be sticky and desperate. This is the proof of a lack of self-confidence and a constant need to be reassured, that the person opposite can not always manage. To be too desperate can block someone suddenly and take over the relationship.
4. Too much to ask for it. You must leave people the freedom to live their lives and not having a huge list of requests waiting for them at the door when they come home.
5. Launch ultimatums all the time. Ultimatums are the worst thing for a relationship, as much as compromise and negotiation are needed for balance.
6. Seeking to be reassured constantly. To seek to be reassured excessively in a relationship means that this need will never be satiated, regardless of the number of attention the partner gives. And to flee ...
7. On-analyze situations! Losing the reason for small details and on-analyze at a ridiculous point is sure to kill your relationship. Try to follow the current instead of being a source of destructive thoughts.
8. Be passive and aggressive. To be conflicting is not a quality; Avoid being aggressive sneaky or manipulative, just for pleasure.
9. Try to change a person. There is a difference between improving, becoming better and change an identity. In this case, you should not even be with the person.
10. Return the ex all the time: Talk to your friends or mom, not your partner! It's a mistake far from exciting ...
11. Chipoter for details. Chipoter will take you almost always to the disputes. The inability to swallow your pride is a bad sign and can lead you to separate in the near future.
12. To be selfish and reduce everything to oneself. If you can not be generous, you are condemned. Disinteresting is one of the angular stones of a relationship as well as respect, also important.
13. The inability to apologize. The excuse is fundamental for a relationship and allows to overcome various obstacles. If you can not say sorry, you will not be a great partner.
14. Be too authoritarian. One too domineering side is unattractive and creates exhaustion for other people around you.