Surprising things that men found attractive 50 years ago

In this revolutionary time, mini skirts were introduced, female curves from the world cleared and the focus was on beautiful long legs. What else? Here are the most surprising things that men found attractive 50 years ago.

Fifty years do not seem to be a long time, but when we take a look back, we are pretty shocked about the developments that have passed through our history, culture, science and fashion through a few decades. Beauty standards are constantly changing, and the last fifty years were particularly amazing in this regard, as our perception has expanded beauty and now includes all forms, sizes and unique features. But how was that 50 years ago, as most of the styles we know and love today, just started first? In this revolutionary time, mini skirts were introduced, female curves from the world cleared and the focus was on beautiful long legs. What else? Here are the most surprising things that men found attractive 50 years ago.

Slim figures

So wild it may seem now, it is not so long ago that curvy women were avoided and banned figures were at the center of attention. On the modern catwalks we still see the effect of the longest days - most models are big, slim and curly. The shift occurred sometime in the 60s, when the Beauty standard of Twiggy's lush Marilyn Monroe was taken over by Twiggy, which became a fashion star and a model for millions of young girls around the world. From this point on, the models were thinner with every decade.

Flat chest and butt

The trend towards the slim body brought all to focus on reducing her hips and her buttons. The late 60s were the time in which all, both men and women, changed their view over a beautiful body completely. Nobody really cared for cellulite or additional weight before the 60s, but over time it became the obsession of most women. They made strong exercises to get rid of the superfluous centimeters on the hips and used even special noodle woods to get rid of cellulite. Massages were also very popular. Of course, men appreciated all the extra attention that gave women to their body.


Androgynie may seem like a modern trend, but it has been there for decades. His popularity came in waves when women explored their freedom and experimented with different styles. After a relatively short upswing in the 1920s, Androgynie returned in the 60s with an arsenal of new bold designs and cool styles, which triggered all boundaries between male and female fashion. We still enjoy all the unisex clothes born in this era. Needless to mention that the men loved the new, liberating trend as well as the women!

Long legs and mini skirts

One can not have one without the other, and the more popular mini skirts in the late 60s, the more attention was given to the shape and length of women's legs. Certain shoe models appeared to emphasize (or amplify the length of the legs). That changed in the beginning of the 1970s, when the pants came in fashion, but the legs were still very exposed.


That's one thing that will always be attractive. But 50 years ago was a woman who was professional sports, another new concept and nobody took the female sport really seriously, especially compared to male athletes. Nevertheless, it was admirable for a woman to be athletic because it meant that she would remain slender, healthy and fit for a longer period of time.

Long hair

Fifty years ago, it had something really liberating to carry the hair open (in the truest sense of the word). Both men and women like to carry long hairstyles as rebellion against old traditions and boring formalities. Women wanted to look different than the previous generations and the return to natural, free-flowing hair was the best thing you could do. Of course, the men found this feminine hairstyle incredibly attractive.


In the 60s, everyone knew that smoking is bad for health, but it was not the kind of public knowledge we have today. Smoking was still considered a stylish, trendy and extremely glamorous. The advertising always showed elegant, attractive women who smoked cigarettes, making it a kind of social standard. Even men found the extremely attractive!

Categories: lifestyle
Tags: 50s / men and women
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