10 ways to burn with really fun calories

Many calories burn and have fun at the same time - who does not want that?

Many calories burn and have fun at the same time - who does not want that? Here are ten fun species to burn more calories every day and come with a lot of joy into a better shape.


Who makes do not sleep please? And the really good thing: the more you sleep, the more you burn. If you have nothing to do and feel a little sleepy, then a powernap can work wonders from twenty to thirty minutes. When you wake up, you will feel great and burn up to 50% more calories than in the same time in the wake state. Besides, sleep is very good for the heart and can drastically reduce the risk of heart disease. Extra tip: Drink an espresso or a coffee before nap. The caffeine requires about twenty minutes until it unfolds the effect in the body. So you will be right after your sleep full of energy!


When shopping and try on clothes burn between 165 and 220 calories per hour - and can have a lot of fun at the same time!


Laughter is a great way to burn calories and at the same time have a lot of fun. In fact, laugh can burn up to 50 calories for only 15 minutes a day! That's a total of 1500 kcal a month and 18,000 in one year - which corresponds to about 2.5 kg.
The easiest way to laugh is to hang out with friends or looking a funny movie. If you see a one-hour show every day and half of it laughs, you can even lose five kilos in a year. One more reason to laugh more, right?

Make up

You have an apartment or even a house? From now on, clean and clean up a lot of fun. Because you can burn up to 100 calories per hour and will still feel very comfortable in your home. Two birds with one stone!

Fall into the waves

On vacation only to lie on the beach and unfortunately burned in the sun in the sun, as good as no calories. To be bathed in seawater and jumping with the waves, on the other hand, spilling 300 calories in the hour burns! Of course, you should only fall into the water when the location is safe and there is a beach supervision, which is the case on most holidays but anyway. There is hardly a fun style to burn calories. And no worry - brown you get anyway!

Dancing, dancing, dancing

A dance cardio workout can burn about 800 calories in just one hour! Particularly dance forms derived from South American dance shapes such as salsa or related them with these are correctly heating the fat burning. Paired with rhythmic melodies and the right beat is known as dancing as an efficient calorie burner. A big plus: When dancing you can get to know someone at the same time. However, who preferred to dance alone, can also do so unobserved and even quietly with headphones in their own home. By the way, this is also one of the best energy kicks in the home office between online meetings and desk work!


How many calories burns kissing? It depends on the kiss. Because a cheek kitchen burns only about 2 or 3 calories, but when it gets hotter, the metabolic rate increases. Depending on how intensively the passionate Knutsch session expires, you can burn up to 26 calories per minute. Better still: bring your hands with. The additional movement of the upper body in a 30-minute make-out can burn up to 150 calories. Seriously, would you prefer to jog almost 20 minutes - or 30 minutes passionately rummaging?


Any kind of sex can help burn the dessert. So you burn with a lot of fun between 70 and 200 calories in just 25 minutes.


That dances burn many calories, we already know. But even who goes to the office in the morning, may like to put on the headphones to burn a few extra calories! Because through the rhythmic melodies, we usually run faster to adapt to the clock of the music. Who often hears music during the day, tends to move unconsciously more, which can not only burn even more calories, but also relaxing on the muscles and can be a good stress prophylaxis - assuming one likes music, but who likes them not?

Your own favorite movement type

The best way to burn for a fun way many calories to find your personal favorite way of movement. Because so you will never have to bring you to move and burn calories!

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