What happens to your body when you fall in love with: 8 reactions

Romantic love is a addiction. It is a very powerful, wonderful addiction when things run well.

If you fall in love, the brain uses chemicals that will bring our neural receptors to light and as well give both joy a euphoric sense of purpose. In short: It is addictive love for the person you. Romantic love is an addiction. It is a very powerful, wonderful addiction when things are going well. If the relationship, however, does not go as planned, one is suffering from sleepless nights, stress and even nutrient deficiency, which weakens the immune system. So under lovesickness the body suffers shown to be similar under other conditions.


When most people think of love, they think of the heart. Valentine's Day cards, heart-shaped boxes of chocolates, romantic songs - they all focus what strikes the chest. But there's another organ that is directly connected to the experience of love: the brain. Dopamine plays a key role in this process, among other neurotransmitters. Dopamine is the primary neuro-chemical that is responsible for the experience of attraction, love and desire. The role of dopamine in love is particularly relevant: When we are in love with someone, we experience pleasant and satisfying emotions. These emotions create an immediate release of dopamine in the brain causes so that the same emotion feelings of pleasure. Many drugs such as cocaine and crystal meth make the "reward system" of dopamine to property. So you can say it: Love is a drug!


Researchers came to the conclusion that falling in love is similar to the feeling of being on drugs that cause euphoria, including brain chemicals such as dopamine, already mentioned above, oxytocin, adrenaline and vasopressin. These chemicals are released at various attractions and the help with the partners to join. As applies to drugs: the more time you spend with his favorite person, the more addicted you will be after her.


Anyone who drinks a glass of wine too much, is less inhibited, anxious and fearful and aggressive in return and boastful. The same happens when oxytocin is released in the body, the "love hormone". Researchers have brought together existing research on the effects of oxytocin and alcohol, and although they affect different parts of the brain, they have very similar results.


Butterflies in the stomach, a racing heartbeat - everybody can probably remember still good at these symptoms at the thought of the first swarm in school. As an adult, these symptoms are actually the subtle hints of the body that you fall in love (or at least lust has). At the beginning of a relationship is really a series of chemical reactions take place fascinating throughout the nervous system and hormones. The feeling that we call "butterflies in the stomach", is based on reality. When Fall oxytocin is released, which produces feelings of happiness, but at the same cortisol - the stress hormone. Romance is emotional, confusing and stressful. If this stress hormone is secreted, it draws the blood vessels together around the stomach, which can lead to nausea. We feel as the familiar butterflies in my stomach.


The good news is that some of this stress is dissipated as soon as one starts to kiss his dream man! Kissing the body namely feel-good endorphins and dopamine distributes.

Make big eyes

If you look at those, which one desires romantic, the pupils dilate. All the excitement and nervousness leads the autonomic nervous system to stimulation of the sympathetic branch, grow automatically so that the pupils. At the same time, the eyes can not be, especially in the earlier stages of falling in love literally apart. There is a scientific reason why you pictures of the loved ones as a smartphone background or framed on the desk has. The desire to look into the face of the partner comes from the release of dopamine in the brain. Again, the effect on the brain similar to taking cocaine because it stimulates the desire and reward response associated with intense pleasure. In other words, if you scroll through photos together from vacation, you get an energy boost, because an inner desire supposedly again come true.


Since the increased oxytocin levels in the system reduce stress, romance can reduce the frequency of headaches and migraines! Even chronic pain can suddenly be alleviated by love. Inactive love feelings activate the same brain areas as painkillers, say researchers. Doctors are not quite ready to prescribe love relationships as a substitute for medicines - but they are optimistic that the new understanding of how love to trigger neuronal rewards and pain relief can help develop new methods for pain treatment.

Is an opera singer career before?

The voice can indeed become higher through the in love! As soon as you have the linkage behind yourself, builds a real connection and deepen the commitment to the partner, you may notice other strange changes in the body - including the voice that becomes higher (yes, actually). In studies, it was found that women who felt with men who felt physically more attracted to their voice tend to sound higher and female sound. So if you talk to the partner a little gentler than with the colleagues, then the love of the fault.

Categories: Relationships
Tags: love
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