It is very important to know! What makes the stress to a woman's body and why it is important to combat it

When we face a danger, the defenses are activated and our heart accelerates, blood pressure rises. That is, the body starts the function of "survival" and works in emergency mode. All other systems that previously required attention are turned off, dedicating to "survival" at this time.

When we face a danger, the defenses are activated and our heart accelerates, blood pressure rises. That is, the body starts the function of "survival" and works in emergency mode. All other systems that previously required attention are turned off, dedicating to "survival" at this time.

On the one hand this instinct is important, since we have to protect, but everything depends on situations and frequency. Daily stress quickly exhausts the body, interrupts the interactions of all organ systems and a person begins to get sick. Of course, stress affects all systems of our body, but this article is dedicated to the health of women and diseases that can cause stress.

  1. Breast cancer.

In 62% of cases, breast cancer is caused by a state of chronic stress. Everything reacts to stress, from the brain to each cell of the body. It is one of the main causes of many types of cancer, in the first place is breast.

The mammary gland is very sensitive to hormones, especially to prolactin. It is released when a woman is breastfeeding or having an orgasm, and also during chronic stress. The excess increase of prolactin affects a lot to the condition of the breast. At first, changes can be benign, but if it is stress together with incorrect nutrition, lack of sleep, the contraceptive method can develop oncopathologies.

  1. Infertility

30% of cases of infertility are caused by stress, and this is a significant number. Almost one of three women has inability to get pregnant, which is caused by chronic stress.

From the first day of the menstrual cycle, estrogen occurs for approximately 2 weeks, which promote the maturation of the ovum and prepare the uterine coating for its implementation. In the second half of the menstrual cycle, the body of the woman produces progesterone, which promotes the fixation of a fertilized egg in the uterus and the subsequent development of pregnancy. However, this algorithm of the menstrual cycle phases and the production of hormones can be interrupted when suffering stress, as a result of which conception does not occur.

  1. Feeding

There are statistics that indicate that women suffer more than men a feeding imbalance caused by stress. During stress our body naturally asks energy to get out of this poor condition. And the biggest source of energy is in glucose, and there is a lot of sugar, gluten and other sources of energy that are then accumulated in the body becoming fat.

And the digestion of a woman is also linked with you, as it depends on the production of serotonin, and this can descend suffering a stress.

  1. Menstrual cycle

Due to stress, ovulation may not occur, hormonal levels are altered, menstruation may disappear or there may be a delay. In short, the body is struggling to survive stress and, therefore, turns off reproductive function.

  1. Immune system

Due to stress, the immune system stops working and responds adequately with its consequences and the body's balance is altered. Very often, stress can cause the development of chronic diseases.

  1. Pregnancy

Our body is very intelligent and knows that during pregnancy it is necessary to produce progesterone that protects the well flow of pregnancy and is responsible for emotional balance, all this to protect the baby. And stress can decrease progesterone production, which can cause future baby diseases associated with the internal effects of stress during pregnancy.

Categories: Beauty
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