6 powerful ways of practicing self-love

The happiness of each person begins with self-love. It is simply impossible to find inner peace and happiness if you do not learn to love yourself first.

The happiness of each person, man or woman, begins with self-love. It is simply impossible to find inner peace and happiness if you do not learn to love yourself first. The own value, self-esteem and self-confidence, all this can only be built on a firm basis of love, care and respect for oneself. It does not matter if your friends, family and couple love you and treat you well, because you will end up feeling depressed if you do not fall in love with yourself first and above all. It is about accepting who you are with all your passions, strengths, weaknesses, talents, mistakes and much more. Let's make a trip within ourselves and explore the 6 powerful ways of practicing self-love.

Have a bit of "time for me" every day

Whether you are an occupied mother, a business woman, a sportswoman, or all of the above, is important to have some "time for me" every day. This is the time you spend alone with yourself and tune to your feelings, wishes, listen to the world around you, and you prepare yourself to start the day. It is good to be at least 15 minutes in the morning to meditate or some other care practice before the rest of the world wake up. This is the time you find your balance and you prepare yourself to face what it comes. You can do anything, read a book, drink a cup of coffee, make yoga, go running, or just look out the window. This is the time to connect with your interior and the peace that is always within you, regardless of what is happening.

Accept what you feel

Accepting itself is difficult for most of us, since no one really teaches children or adults. Of children, we learn that the acceptance of our parents is the most important thing, and then expanded to schoolmates, teachers, study colleagues, co-workers, and society in general. But what about accepting itself so it really is? That is the most important thing in the world. It is easier to do it when you feel good and happy, you just accept that this is what you are and what you feel at the moment. It's so natural! But when you feel depressed, angry or injured, you just want me to disappear, do not live, you prefer to focus on watching a television show, take a drink or any other distraction. The issue is that you should also be present in these states. Live through them, do not suppress them, and they will disappear because nothing is constant, not even the pain. Otherwise, deleted emotions can become larger problems and even lead to health problems.

Love your body

Your body is the precious container of your mind, soul and spirit that allows you to live your life to the fullest. It allows you to experience emotions, communicate with people, be creative and build significant relationships. This body is the first thing we know when we are born, since we learn to perceive the surroundings using our senses. Learn to accept and love this beautiful body because your life would not be possible without him. Take time to nourish it with healthy food, build an adequate diet for you, incorporate some exercises to make it healthier, and try to make yoga or qigong to reconnect with your body at all levels. Your body has its own rhythm and needs. You may feel tired when you want to stay awake until late and you may need to go for a walk when you prefer to stay inside to see a television show. Learn to listen to your body and as you make it happier, your mood and your life rhythm will also change for better.

Salt of toxic relationships

You may think that you love yourself completely, but that will not be true until you leave all the toxic relationships of your life. Sit down and make a list of all the people who have the habit of humiliating yourself, treating you with lack of respect and despise you in any other way. It does not matter if you are your parents, your partner or a dear friend. Be sincere with yourself and look at them like what they really are. Once you realize that there are people in your life that makes you miserable, it is time to make changes. If you can not let them go (still) think about defining your limits with them. Do not be afraid to talk when you hurt you for what they do or say. A simple "this is not right for me" is of great help, since some people simply do not understand the impact they have in others.


Most of the time our environment reflects what is inside, our mood, emotions and passions in life. And vice versa, the things that we surround each other have an impact on our psyche, humor and inspiration. That is why it is so important to clear the space that surrounds us. Start with your room and your closet, that is the place where most of the old and useless things live. Separate the things you like and want to use those who are old or with which you simply do not feel connected. You can always give them away or even sell them if you feel like it. Sabbas Estorbes from your closet will give space for new things in your life, including new relationships, hobbies and positive events. Order all your house, as this has a direct impact on your sense of security, happiness and health.

Do something you like

When you love yourself, you naturally want to do the things that bring you joy and happiness. And vice versa, if you do the things you love, you also accumulate love for yourself while you build self-esteem and trust in yourself that make you a happier human being. You do not have to become a professional or an expert to be happy with what you do, it's the process what matters most! If you like to run and it makes you feel better, then make a habit and enjoy it fully. If you like to paint or draw, do it when you have free time and look how it makes you feel. Doing something not for others and not because it is prestigious or bring money, but because it simply makes you happy is a sure way to practice self-love.

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