The patches are not a panacea. Effective methods to treat damn scripts.

The bags of the eyes is a common problem that affects both women and men and does not always depend on age. There are many factors that cause the appearance and the appearance, such as genetics, bad habits, lack of sleep, excessive consumption of sweet or salty and the most important thing is water retention in the body.

The bags of the eyes is a common problem that affects both women and men and does not always depend on age. There are many factors that cause the appearance and the appearance, such as genetics, bad habits, lack of sleep, excessive consumption of sweet or salty and the most important thing is water retention in the body.

You can eliminate dark circles with the help of cosmetics, at home and surgically. Because, obviously, a tired and swollen face is not at all what you would like to see in the mirror in the morning. This problem must be addressed and, usually, quickly.

Here we have for all of you the effective and healthy remedies:

  1. Water

Drink both fluid as possible. The main catalyst of swelling under the eyes is salt. It tends to accumulate in the body and insufficient intake of liquids just aggravates the problem.

Follow your diet. Did you eat something salty or drank alcohol the day before? Then, this same day increase the amount of liquid consumed per day at 1.5 times.

  1. Cold

We know it from small, you have to put something cold on the swelling or wound. This narrows the blood vessels and logically is effective in the area of ​​the eyes, where the skin is very thin and the blood vessels are close to its surface.

It can be a metal spoon, by banal that seems a recipe for a well-proven and ancient grandmother. The main thing is that it is cold. Apply the spoon with the back to the lower eyelid for one or two minutes. Do not be afraid to cool the eyes too much, the spoons rapidly increase body temperature.

The ice cubes, which are found in almost all the freezers, will help quickly relieve the swelling. You can use ice of infusions (chamomile, sage, dill or parsley

Slices of cold cucumber by ascorbic acid also helps eliminate dark circles.

  1. The Aloe Vera.

You can moisten cotton pillows with Aloe juice and leave them in the freezer. We also recommend peeling the Aloe and leaving only the pulp to apply for 10 minutes under the eyelids, then rinse with water.

Night mask: mix 2 tablespoons of aloe gel and half a spoonful of cucumber juice. Apply on the face during the night and in the morning remove with warm water.

  1. The dream

The ideal duration of sleep is 8 hours. That's what you need to restore and rest the body. If you do not have the opportunity to spend so much time dreaming in bed, make short naps during the day. It is recommended to sleep not face down, as is suitable for many, but on face up. Place a pillow under the head: This helps ensure that the accumulated liquid in the body does not pond on the face and go down.

  1. The bad habits

Stop smoking and drinking alcohol, eating salted and spicy foods will not only alleviate edema, but also improve your health in general. Do not deny a glass of wine at the holiday dinner, but do not abuse, do not convert a meeting with friends in a drunkenness.

  1. Contrast shower.

If you find the result of a night of insomnia on your face in the morning, then the best way to encourage and return to your senses is a contrast shower. A strong drop in water temperature improves blood flow and relieves edema. In addition, use any of the previous home remedies and then apply a nutritious cream for the skin around the eyes, and the effect will surprise you!

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