Instagram Fitness Model loses more than 140 pounds, helps others lose weight
Some might consider Laura overweight, but in reality she has lost a significant amount, more than 140 pounds, to be accurate. But Laura does not focus on a target weight. Instead, it is about the balance, as the brand with which she works.

Some might consider Laura overweight, but he has actually lost a significant amount, more than 140 pounds, to be precise. But Laura does not focus on a target weight. Instead, it is about the balance, as the brand with which she works.
Every day on our "Explore" page of Instagram, we are forced to explore unrealistic bodily ideals, either by fashion bloggers or for the latest Fitness influencers. Women need to see more realistic versions of themselves instead of this ideal cartoon that looks more like Jessica Rabbit than a human being. In that, Laura Morgan de Wisconsin arrives, a positive heroine for almost 300 thousand Instagram followers of her, and the community of large sizes.
Laura works for Athletic Balance, which is not a corporate Fitness Fashion, but a family business. The clothing of it is created with the intention of empowering people and "feeling comfortable on their own skin". She is literally in the name: balance is necessary for our lives, and Laura helps people achieve it.

Some might consider Laura overweight, but in reality she has lost a significant amount, more than 140 pounds, to be accurate. But Laura does not focus on a target weight. Instead, it is about the balance, as the brand with which she works. She says that only being able to settle in an airplane seat was a great achievement for her. It is about the little things, right?

Other celebrations for Laura include the possibility of buying clothes in normal clothing stores. Laura is kept fit in a variety of ways, instead of being forced to run on the treadmill every day. Outside the gym, she does things like hiking and rowing. On one occasion, she uploaded a mountain of 14,000 feet in Denver.
After weight loss, Laura feels more confidence and joy in her daily life. The most important thing, she feels capable. Having an army of sympathizers of Instagram either does not hurt.

For those people seeking to make a change in their lifestyle and weight, Morgan suggests starting slowly, citing his own mistakes at the beginning as from 0 to 100. Instead of trying to correct all his mistakes at a time, slowly reduces food or unhealthy activities, one at a time. Small changes are long-term effective: Stopping dry quickly is not!

Laura Morgan does not believe in obsessing with the number on the scale, nor in being afraid of having to start from scratch if you make a mistake. Positive changes can still be made even if that number does not diminish: By the way, the muscle weighs more than fat.
The inspiring Instagram publications of her seem to really come to the followers of her from InStram, and we also came to us. Quotes as "Nobody is you and that is your power" will become your daily mantra of self-esteem, and are far from the cursive appointments that we often see in social networks. Laura shows us how to achieve mental peace and physical results.

Instead of focusing on sponsorships or cute outfits, Laura publishes relatable training content and frequent videos of her training routines. She is not afraid to be silly with the dances that she usually does at the beginning of her training videos. The girl has some dance moves along with those Sumo squats!
Sometimes, we also get fragments of delicious and healthy foods to do at home, such as carrots of it and glazed parstime with roasted balsamic honey. They are scarce on the page of it, but they look so tasty, and we hope it adds some more recipes for those in quarantine. There is not much more to make them cook.

Morgan is dedicated to working hard, but also to play hard and not be taken seriously. If the physical conditioning industry had a little more than that, and a little less judgment or perfectionism, it would be something worthy of admiration. For lost or hopeless people, the existing industry is quite daunting.
She first demonstrated the massive weight loss of her by publishing a photo from before and after herself in the same dress. What a difference they make two years! She quotes "great victories and great setbacks" in the process of weight loss, which is a fantastic and realistic way to describe a great opportunity.

Instead of following fashionable or fasting diets, Laura makes four food movements when it comes to staying healthy. She reduces her fast food consumption, learns to cook, toughe the control of lots and eat nutritious ingredients. Once these conditions are understood without too many relapses, you can start integrating workouts.
This could start just walking to avoid overwhelming at the beginning of the trip. Morgan decided to register and publish her results after finding difficult to relate the weight loss trip from other influential people. In the process, she forged her own online community that is part of a healthy physical conditioning movement, from which we are proud to be part.

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