7 Infalible tips to combat aging

Nobody likes to get older. For this reason, today, there is a lot of research and medical and scientific advances dedicated to deciphering these mechanisms, obtaining important results.

Nobody likes to get older. For this reason, today, there is a lot of research and medical and scientific advances dedicated to deciphering these mechanisms, obtaining important results.

The main factor that determines aging is the length of telomeres, which are the ends of the chromosomes. The longer they are, the better the DNA protect. As the cells are divided into the time, the telomeres become increasingly short, giving way to the deterioration of genetic material, and therefore, to aging.
The good news is that there are ways to prolong the health of telomeres, and even, recover part of the lost length.

While the aging of our cells is an inevitable natural process, taking into account the advice that we enlist then you can keep you younger and healthier.

Avoid inflammatory foods like carbohydrates

Sugar is your enemy. The best thing you can do for your health is to limit your consumption. Sugar causes cell inflammation. Other foods that cause inflammation are dairy, cereals with gluten, processed foods and vegetable oils such as soybeans, corn and sunflower.

Another reason why carbohydrates are harmful to health is by the glycation process, in which sugar adheres to tissues, causing fragility and rigidity in structural proteins such as collagen and elastin, and giving foot to deep wrinkles.

Better ingests fresh and natural foods, such as fruits (few, sugar) and vegetables, which provide antioxidants to your body.

No Smoking

Regarding the aging of the skin, the cigar is terrible, since nicotine blocks the passage of oxygen to tissues, causing premature wrinkles and a dry appearance and opaque.

It is said that smoking ages the face between 10 and 20 years. And it also contributes to cellular aging, because it reduces the length of the telomeres (which we already know, among longer, better for our health and appearance) and generates accumulation of toxins.

Practice exercises

Several studies have shown that it is possible to reverse the aging process lengthening telomeres, and that is achieved by practicing Hiit exercises (training of high intensity intervals), and running, mainly. This is because these workouts increase the activity of the Telomerase above. In addition, the HIIT exercise also increases the production of mitochondria.

Intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting leads the organism to an autophagy process in which a cellular self-cleaning is made, when using as fuel to generate the toxic elements and the material that is damaged and that results in the appearance of chronic diseases, neurodegenerative and In aging.

Control stress

Stress produces cortisol, a hormone that inhibits the creation of elastin and collagen, which causes flaccidity and wrinkles on the skin. Likewise, cortisol attacks the protective barrier of the skin, which causes it to lose humidity. In case the foregoing was not enough, chronic stress shortens telomeres.

Practice yoga, meditation or breathing exercises are good options to keep stress at bay.

Keep an adequate hydration

70% of our body is composed of water, so the vital liquid is essential for all the functions of our organism, from thinking, to delete toxins properly. When the cells these dehydrated, their metabolism slows down, which causes the regeneration process to be affected, and aging is accelerated.

It should be clarified that it is important not to drink pure water in excess, since you could then cause a drop in mineral salts.

Flee from the sun as the plague

The sun is the greatest enemy of the skin. While it is true that a few minutes of exposure to sunlight provide us of the indispensable vitamin D, abusing those sun baths will be expensive. Ultraviolet radiation destroys collagen and elastin fibers, causing wrinkles and flaccidity. That without counting that can cause stains and even cancer.

The good thing is that you can avoid this damage, using a sunscreen every day, not only when you go on vacation to the beach.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: aging / skin
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