These 7 foods will improve your performance in the gym

Exercising is fundamental to be healthy, so if you sign up for the gym and you have a great advantage. However, you do not have to forget about food, which is key to achieving the goal.

Exercise fundamental to be healthy, so if you aimed Algimnah and you have a great advantage. However, there is no need to be supplied with the feeding, which is key to achieving the goal.Ir to the GYM with the empty stomach can be counterproductive, but Node Vale. There are specific foods that will help you feel cummed to train and avoid having the day to eat everything in the refrigerator. Here we willcome 7 products for you to make points in your routine FIT.


Effectiveness is perfect for filling out of energy and nutritionists Larecomena for all ages. In addition to being delicious and easy to consume, bananas contain natural sugar, carbohydratosimples and much potassium (382 mg per 100 g). Potassium avoids loscalambres during or after exercise, so it is the food office of runners. You can eat it alone or add it to unbatid with soy milk or cereal.

Bananas | Estos 7 alimentos mejorarán tu desempeño en el gimnasio | HerBeauty

Peanut butter

Fit a slice of whole grain bread with a generous portion of peanut buttack and eating it before training will give you a rug Deenergy to fulfill your cardiovascular exercise routine Ode Force. This is because it contains non-saturated fats and protein that contribute the calories necessary to surrender in ELGYM. In addition, it has fiber, potassium, magnesium and antioxidants cheeking muscle recovery, bone construction and increased immunity.

Mantequilla de maní  | Estos 7 alimentos mejorarán tu desempeño en el gimnasio | HerBeauty


Laavena is a food that is not lacking in healthy diets. LEENERGY that provides their complex carbohydrates is durable and you give you a long time of satiety. You can take it in a smoothie with dearmond milk, add it to the fruit salad or buy low sugar bars in sugar. Its consumption will also bring you fiber, manganese, iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, vitamin B1 and acidphic.

Avena | Estos 7 alimentos mejorarán tu desempeño en el gimnasio | HerBeauty


Traditional Greek elyogur is made with cow or caboray milk has 10% milk fat, unlike other yogurt rates, reaching 3.5%. This makes it more complete, creamy and delicious, and it also contains twice the protein. Suconsumo causes athletes to recover better after elegance. This is due to its high levels of potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamins B6 and B12. A ration of 170 grams combined confrutas is ideal before going to the gym.

Yogur griego | Estos 7 alimentos mejorarán tu desempeño en el gimnasio | HerBeauty


Paranadie is a secret that a cup of black coffee in the mornings nosinjects energy before going to work or study, but few knows also brings additional benefits to physical training. Caffeine improves blood circulation, avoid fatigue, help burn fat, reduce fatigue Pain during exercise and rejuvenate muscle elta. Take it before training, but that yes: forgotten to add refined sugar or creams.

Café | Estos 7 alimentos mejorarán tu desempeño en el gimnasio | HerBeauty


Foulshirts, whether they are integers or only the clear ones, are a valuable meal paramejoring performance in the gym. It is proven that the printins they possess help develop muscles, mineralize bones and increase strength. A pair before training, mineconcends, passed through water or poached, will suffice. And you do not want to be known for cholesterol, because unless you have pre-concondition, ideal is to eat it whole.

Huevos | Estos 7 alimentos mejorarán tu desempeño en el gimnasio | HerBeauty


Although many believe that honey fattens because of its sugar content, this is a myth that must be discarded. The sugars that it has are natural and of high quality that the organism assimilates perfectly and makes them energy. When we exercise our sugar levels, they descend and if we do not have enough glucose we will tire very fast. That is why they recommend ingesting this healthy reconstituent before and after exercise to replenish physical wear.

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