7 tricks to take care of your weight in Christmas season
The Christmas season begins, and with her, the parties, the gifts, the family gatherings, and a lot, a lot of food in all the events we attended. In this article we offer 7 infallible tricks for you to take care of your weight and do not upload a kilo.

The Christmas season begins, and with her, the parties, the gifts, the family gatherings, and a lot, a lot of food in all the events we attended.
For this reason, it is very common for most people to win a few kilos during this time of year, and gyms are saturated in January, when everyone is motivated to get in shape in the year that begins.
Although recovering the line after parties is a good idea, it is much better to avoid gaining weight, and easier as well. The question is: How to achieve it?
In this article we offer 7 infallible tricks for you to take care of your weight and do not upload a kilo.
Eat something before going to parties
It is well known that social gatherings do not offer precisely healthy food options, so if you do not want to gain weight, it is best that you do not eat much at those events.
If before leaving your house you eat at least one salad or a vegetable soup, your cravings will be under control when all those sinful dishes go on your passage at the meeting.
A protein shake is also a good option.
Limit alcohol consumption, dressings and desserts
Among the variety of foods that abound in the dinners of the Christmas season, you will always find better options than others.
Keep in mind that alcohol, for example, only contributes empty calories, and sweet drinks, many carbohydrates. The best option is to avoid cocktails.
The sauces and dressings add large amounts of calories to the saucers and salads. If you can refrain from them, better, if not, limit yourself to a small amount (a spoonful soup).
Regarding the desserts, he prefers the seasonal treats, such as dates.
Take a lot of water
Stay well hydrated is not only essential for your general health, but also helps control the appetite (often confused thirst hungry), and cleanse the body of all the excesses of the season, especially alcohol, whose consumption is It increases significantly, due to parties and meetings.
In addition, festive meals tend to be very high in sodium, which causes dehydration.
Prioritize vegetables and protein
Although sweets, desserts, breads and beverages abound at Christmas holidays, it is also true that you will find between dishes, proteins and vegetables. Most likely, they are not cooked in a very healthy way, but in any case they are your best option at parties. They will provide nutrients and will leave you satisfied. Try that half of your plate be protein (meat, chicken or fish) and the other half be vegetable. If they are raw, better.
Eat calmly and moderate
Frequently, the diversity of dishes at parties makes us want to try everything. If it is your case and you can not resist, remember that the key is in the portions, so you can give you your tastes, but always in moderation.
Another good trick is to eat calmly. Chew at least 15 or 20 times each bite, and drink water frequently. Sometimes the mind takes to register that you are already more than satisfied, and if you eat fast, you will end up ingiring many more calories than necessary.
It compensates for the excesses
A very easy method to follow and that gives very good results is to keep your good habits the rest of the day, and even restrict you a little more, to compensate for the dinners or food meals.
If you eat very healthy at breakfast and at lunch, your caloric count will not shoot even if you exceed a bit at the event you attend.
Do not abandon the exercise
It is true that in the holiday season the daily occupations are altered, the unexpected events arise everywhere, and it is very difficult to maintain the previous routine, but at least looks for a way to have a certain level of physical activity.
You can use about 20 minutes of your day to exercise at home, for example. Also go out to walk is an excellent option.
Try to do it first thing in the morning, before other activities are interposed on the road.

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