8 tips to maximize the results of your exercises

Keeping us in shape is not an easy task. We must be disciplined and constant practicing an exercise routine that is effective, and also be careful with our diet. However, although we sometimes do it, we do not see the results we expect, or these take a long time to arrive and that can demotivate us. For this reason, we offer you 8 tips that will help you maximize the results of your exercise routine, which you will love.

Keeping us in shape is not an easy task. We must be disciplined and constant practicing an exercise routine that is effective, and also be careful with our diet.
However, although we sometimes do it, we do not see the results we expect, or these take a long time to arrive and that can demotivate us. For this reason, we offer you 8 tips that will help you maximize the results of your exercise routine, which you will love.

1. Choose the correct weight
It is very common that at the time you exercise ourselves, we do not do it with the right weight. Sometimes we do not realize that we have been raising the same weight for a long time, and no longer offers us the necessary resistance to challenge the muscle. Other times, we loaded in excess and this causes that we do not finish the series and that we even have a bad execution and posture.
Always seek to increase the weight, every two weeks, for example, at a point that makes you an effort but you can finish the repetitions and series perfectly.

2. Concentrate on the exercise
The mind is powerful. In various experiments on visualization, it has been proven that athletes manage to stimulate the muscles only by visualizing the exercise to be done in detail.
This shows that the mind plays a role in your results. Try to concentrate your attention on what you do in the gym, and do not get distracted with the environment, music, conversations or an audiobook.

3. Use a heart rate monitor
The heart rate is decisive to burn fat, because it allows you to know the intensity in which you are working when you perform cardiovascular exercise.
It is particularly useful when performing Hiit Exercises (workouts at high density intervals) since in them, alternate very intense intervals (with heart rate working between 85% and 95%) and others milder (between 60% and 70%).
Knowing your rhythm will help you exercise accurately and therefore, maximize fat burning.

4. Update your routines
The body is wise, and tends to adapt quickly to each new challenge that imposes it, which is a problem for the goal of increasing muscle mass and burning fat.
It is common that in the gyms the instructor assigns you a routine and wait for you to perform for months. Do not let that happen. Follow it until you feel that your body already dominates it, and then you modify it. There are infinity of exercises that will serve you for your goals.

5. Rest and sleep well
Many people, once they have managed to adapt the exercise to their daily routine, tend to be obsessed and about exercising, subtracting importance to rest, but rest is essential for you to see more and better changes in your body.
During sleep, the body rebuilds muscle fibers for its growth. Likewise, it will give you the energy necessary to perform to the maximum at the time of training.
On the other hand, rest between exercise sessions is also necessary. You must dedicate a few days a week to recovery.

6. Compound exercises
Unlike the isolation exercises, which focus on a single muscle, the composite exercises occupy several muscle groups, which increases the burning of calories, as they are more demanding.
Some of these exercises are: squats, dead weight, dominated, lizards (Push UPS) and strides or offers. Start your routine with these exercises and then perform those of isolation.

7. Coconut oil before training
The coconut oil, being a saturated but medium-chater fat, far from increasing cholesterol, what it does is to give you immediate energy for before training. In addition, a study conducted in 2003, determined that this oil helps burn body fat and accelerate metabolism, helping muscle definition. For this reason, many physicaloculturists use it in the season prior to competitions.

8. Performs cardiovascular exercise after force
In addition to that thereby maintaining your energy levels and increasing fat burning, a study found that growth hormone increased more when weight training is first performed.
To achieve muscle definition, you need to burn fat. When doing weights first, you will consume glycogen reserves, and for when you do cardiovascular exercise, you will then be burning the fat directly.
Therefore, if you follow this advice, you will be able to increase more muscle than if you are reversed.

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