12 lies that boys say on the first date

While there are sincere guys out there, there are also a lot of guys who are willing to say anything to impress a girl on a first date. In some cases she could be looking for a bed. In other cases, she suffers from deep insecurities. Either way, if a guy says any of these 12 sentences, he rejects a second appointment at all costs.

While there are sincere guys out there, there are also a lot of guys who are willing to say anything to impress a girl on a first date. In some cases she could be looking for a bed. In other cases, she suffers from deep insecurities. Either way, if a guy says any of these 12 sentences, he rejects a second appointment at all costs.

1. I'm not jealous or controller type
Let's be honest, if a guy is trying to immediately convince you that he never gets jealous and that he does not control the girls with whom he leaves, he is a complete liar. A man who is truly relaxed in him's approach will show him through the acts of him, not only with words.

2. I am very interested in movies for girls
Ladies, guys are never interested in movies for girls. Or musicals for the case. At least not the heterians with which you go on dating. If a boy insinuates that he would be totally happy if you wanted to go to his house and see Grease, he probably is just trying to get into bed.

3. I am looking for a committed relationship
We are not saying that the opposite is true; That the boys just want to play. But if they are only known for 30 minutes and he is already talking about how he just comes out with girls who want something serious, whether he is or is playing with you or is extremely desperate. Avoid that guy at all costs.

4. My Saturday nights are always super busy
So he says that he is Mr. Alma de la Fiesta, right? Any guy who boasts to always be in clubs or not, whether he has grown or, more probably, much less popular than he pretends to be. We are not saying that you must avoid the boys who like to have a good time, but do you really want someone to be a kind of very special?

5. This is my first alcoholic beverage in years
Like many of these comments, a guy who is sure of himself does not have the need to say things like, "I'm going to ask for a whiskey. God! I can not even remember the last time I ordered a drink! " The conclusion is that, if a guy says he almost never drinks, there is a very good probability that he is the most drunk of all.

6. I take me very well with all my ex-girlfriends
Relationships require the couple to give a lot of itself. As a result, ruptures are usually some emotional events. Of course, there are cases when the boy and the girl come to a mutual understanding that the spark in his relationship has gone and accept to be friends. But if a guy affirms that each of the relationship ends without anger or injuring feelings, he is not being sincere.

7. I'm not seeing anyone at this time
This affirmation is especially strange. If a guy is being open and he is clarifying that he enjoys going out with women as a recreational activity, that is one thing. But if he is insinuating during the first date he does not have a girlfriend, there is a good chance that the opposite is true. That would be like a doctor assuring patients for the first time he went to medicine school.

8. Normally I love being healthy, I'm just making an exception on this appointment
The guys who say this, is a complete liar. It is not to say that people do not occasionally need to take a break from the kale and tofu, but do not you think a real crazy one for being healthy would make a first positive impression and continue with the regular routine of it?

9. I have never made it just an appointment
Before you become too cynical, we are not trying to argue that each man has had an acquaintance. We are saying that any man who tells you this on a first date is either very naive (that is, if he is saying the truth) or he is a womanizer.

10. I am a sensitive guy
Oh so sweet. He cried when Jack Dawson died in Titanic. Any sensitive type you need to tell you that he is a sensitive type needs to be faced on the pranks of it.

11. Gano more than 6 figures
If a first appointment is to boast how much money you are gaining, you need quietly to excuse yourself to use the ladies' room ... and walk in a straight line towards your car. Financial security is not a bad thing, but imagine discovering that Don tickets actually lives in the dirty basement of the parents of it.

12. I am not religious but I am a spiritual person
A "spiritual person who is not religious" is an expression not to commit from someone who does not believe in anything, but he does not want to admit it. It is better to be with someone who knows what he believes.

Categories: Relations
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