Seven daily behaviors that can damage your relationship

Many couples think that already when they are in a relationship - it will work by itself and will last forever. But the truth is - relationships are fragile, and the smallest problems, issues and communication problems when spending time can lead to horrible words in the best of cases and a broken heart at the worst. Today, we are going to talk about 7 of everyday magazines that can damage your relationship.

Relationships are not as easy as they are in romantic comedies. They take a lot of work and the appropriate communication is key. Then, if you think you are enormously lucky because you have found that special person and now you find yourself in a relationship - still do not count your hens. If it counts on something, keeping a relationship takes much more work than starting one. Now that you and your partner have agreed that they are exclusive and have committed themselves at the time of relaxation of each one. In fact, it is time to redouble effort and effective communication.
Many couples think that already when they are in a relationship - it will work by itself and will last forever. But the truth is - relationships are fragile, and the smallest problems, issues and communication problems when spending time can lead to horrible words in the best of cases and a broken heart at the worst. Today, we are going to talk about 7 of everyday magazines that can damage your relationship.

Without enough time for me
Spending a lot of time together is completely natural since you are in a relationship, but it is important to have some time for yourself. You can not spend every moment in the lived with your company[Email Protected] And do absolutely everything together. That is not right. Both need time to breathe, relax, and make their own things. Both need a little time to be with your thoughts, enjoy your pastimes separately, and just have the opportunity to miss the other person. Just think about how you can anticipate seeing again if you are always there. So, make sure to schedule enough time for you alone.

Doing them live with your friends
One of the most common problems in a relationship is fighting about with friends who are going to leave. Of course, the most common solution would be to invite both groups of friends to come out together, but that does not always work. Instead, on many occasions you end up making your partner with your friends. Everything is very good and beautiful and we understand that you are trying to make them feel included, but they have their own friends and they also need to go out with them. In fact, here is a great solution that gets along well with the previous problem of time for "me" - what do you think if they leave from time to time with each of your friends? It will give birth to both the opportunity to get up with your friends and will have a lot to talk about when both come home.

No listening
In the first days, weeks and even months of going out with someone, everything about them is new, interesting, exciting. We never get up of them. Each small detail of their lives and their personalities are like a small treasure. We appreciate it and we celebrate. But after a little time, that excitement fades and starts to think that you know everything you have to know about the other person. You feel like if you could almost predict your actions and answers, so you know them well. Then, you stop putting as much attention when they are talking. That is a big problem, because even there you could think that you are not missing anything new, you could be losing from the resentment of your company[Email Protected] I could be gathering for you. Listening, but not really listening to your company[Email Protected] It will take you to make them feel as if they did not care for you. Do not you want that? Or yes? Then always listen - it's crucial for a happy relationship.

Fights in public
The fights are really not unusual in a relationship. They release tension and allow you to process through problems. But you will never have to fight in public with your partner. Those fights never end well. In fact, we recommend that you move away from making your partner less in public, even in a joker. Perhaps when they are at home constantly they joke about the lack of skill of their couples to cook or be ordered, or maybe they are clumsy and could laugh about it. But you never know how they could react when you mention these things in front of your friends or co-workers. They could feel embarrassed by these things, feeling anxious about them. It is always better to take into account what they feel comfortable, or only get away from mentioning these things in public.

Assume that you can read your mind
Assuming that your partner can read your mind and therefore it is supposed to simply know when you feel sad, angry, fed up, etc., and how to help you is a ridiculous notion, but some of us are definitely guilty of doing this. We thought that because we have been in this relationship for a while and we know each other very well and therefore we can only know intuitively what the other person is thinking and how they are feeling. Well, it's not always like that. It is very likely that your partner has no magical powers and can not read your mind. Then it is always better to talk about things, give voice to your thoughts and explain your feelings instead of just fighting and exalted against your partner having the hope that they solve it for themselves.

Project feelings
How many of you have found themselves in a fight because they project their feelings about their boyfriends or girlfriends? Too often we chose to blame others about how we feel instead of taking a step back and finding the real reason of bad mood or hurting feelings. We say things like "you make me feel angry / annoyed / sad" instead of just saying "I feel angry / annoyed / sad". There is a difference, do you understand? "You make me feel" accuse your partner, while "I feel" just declare the fact. Make this little change and you will see exactly how much this can affect your relationship.

Be overly critical
There is nothing wrong with a little constructive criticism, but there is a moment and place for it. And all day, every day is definitely not that moment or place. It is easy to fall into the habit of startling the defects of your company[Email Protected], especially when you live with them. Could you imagine how irritating is having someone who criticizes you from the moment you wake up? Just stop doing it. If something really bothers you, find a moment when both are in the mood to talk and bring concerns. Not only critical shouts at your partner at all times that you do something bad.

Categories: Relations
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