How to make free yogurt at lactose at home

Everyone is on the lactose-free train nowadays, and for a good reason. The enzyme makes it difficult for us to digest dairy and lay us. It is a straight catastrophe for anyone the intolerant lactose. That being said, the purchase of this niche yogurt at the store can be expensive and it is not even guaranteed in the aisles of many grocery stores. The solution? Make your own free lactose yogurt at home for a fraction of the price!

Everyone is on the lactose-free train nowadays, and for a good reason. The enzyme makes it difficult for us to digest dairy and lay us. It is a straight catastrophe for anyone the intolerant lactose. That being said, the purchase of this niche yogurt at the store can be expensive and it is not even guaranteed in the aisles of many grocery stores. The solution? Make your own free lactose yogurt at home for a fraction of the price. Perfect endless? Yes, we will take it.

What do you need

  • 1 liter lactose-free milk (2% or whole)
  • 1 cup of pre-made yogurt with living cultures. Plain and fat yogurt can be used if it has living bacteria
  • Big pot
  • Big shiny bowl
  • Hot zone at rest (the top of your fridge is good)


1. Clean your sink well. Fill halfway with cold water and add some ice cubes. As you do that, your refrigerator yogurt cup and let it rest at room temperature.

2. Pour milk into the large pot and high high heat. Place a lid and wait five minutes. Do not allow it to boil. After this past period, place a finger in the pot and buffer a drop on your other hand. If it's hot and reaches a light let simmer in the pot, remove it from the stove. It can last up to fifteen minutes.

3. If you have a thermometer, check if the milk is 160 degrees Fahrenheit. Otherwise, ignore this step.

4. No Take the cover offered and put the pot in the sink filled with cold water. After 10 minutes, check if the milk feels cool by using the finger test again. It should be reduced to about 100 degrees now.

5. Pour your milk into the glass bowl. Place the yogurt cup in the milk and gently stir the combination to mix.

6. Place a lid on the bowl - you can use a plastic plate, cloth or film.

7. It's now time to place your bowl with the mixture on the top of the refrigerator or other hot place, such as your oven with only lit lights. Going during the night or 6-8 hours. The more you leave it longer, the more sour it will be.

8. Taste your yoghurt. The qualities you are looking for after it rests for several hours are acidulous, flowing and hot. The refrigerator will solidify it more. If you prefer, you can skip yogurt in the glass bowl and put it in glass mason pots for a transition from neat.

Useful tips

  • If you want a decadent Greek yogurt, place several layers of cheese fabric inside a plastic colander and, after your hot yogurt sat during the night, place it in the strainer, allowing the colander. excess moisture. After, leave in the refrigerator for 2 to 4 hours or at room temperature for one hour. Pour additional whey.
  • Yogurt should be grown and there are three main ways to prepare the aspect of yogurt bacteria without agenda. You can start with the yogurt without lactose-free lactose as we suggested in the recipe above, or you can use a yogurt culture without dairy products.
  • To thicken your yoghurt for a creamy texture, you can add Tapioca flour, chia seeds or agar agar.
  • Add a sweetener before fermenting. It's not to add a sweet yoghurt flavor. Instead, he nourishes bacteria. Cane sugar, maple syrup and honey are all good options, but submarines like Stevia unfortunately do not contain good nutrients for bacteria.

Yogurt of coconut without lactose

The coconut yogurt without lactose is the high tendency element currently, but the supermarket versions absolutely filled with preservatives and charges. You only need two items from your local health food store.

What do you need:

A complete fat coconut milk box

A kefir or a yogurt starter

1. Pour your coconut milk box into a glass pot

2. Incorporate and let your hot spot designated overnight.

3. Exit once again and leave yourself in your refrigerator. When it cools, it should reach a thicker consistency. You now have coconut yogurt with a life of 5 to 8 days.

Pro Tip: When your DIY creation is close to the expiration, you can use three or four spoonfuls of your old coconut yogurt to ferment another coconut milk.

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