10 rituals of the morning morning fit for starting your day

If you are often in a morning rush without the time to relax with a cup twisted morning of the morning or Camomile tea, it means you do something wrong.

You may not believe it right now, but in the morning is the most important part of the day. The way you spend it defines your entire day, which means you need to think carefully about what you want to do in the morning and what mood you want to create. If you are often in a morning rush without the time to relax with a cup twisted morning of the morning or Camomile tea, it means you do something wrong. All your day rushes like that! Fortunately, you can start changing things right now. Here are the 10-year adjustment morning rituals to start your day the best possible way.

To wake up early

This is a general rule that you wake up earlier, the better. Try to wake up so close to sunrise as possible when all nature wakes up, which means it's the best time to do it. You will feel refreshed and energized to see the whole world come to life before you. You will also have a lot of time to relax and start your day at a slow pace.

Wake up at the same time every day

Wake up at the same time creates a necessary routine for your body to function normally. Of course, it would be ideal to wake up without alarm clock, but if you can not afford a relaxed rhythm, use the alarm clock, but do it wisely. Wake up with the first ring and try not to fall asleep between many wake up alarms ring. It will only email your morning energy. The more you wake up at the same time, the more the process will become easier!

Do some exercises in bed

If you are one of those people who can not really get out of bed at a time, try doing some exercises without getting up. There are some yoga poses that you can do in bed if it's too early to go on the carpet for you. Try the child's pose (balana) to stretch your objects and your back, a happy child asana (Ananda Balasana) to relax the spine and improve the digestion and pose of cat (Marjaryasana) to stretch the spine vertebral , neck, back and stimulate organs in your belly. Finish with a cross asana with a straight vertebral column. Breathe slowly to feel the beginning of a new day.

Drink hot water

Drinking hot water first morning has all kinds of advantages. It stimulates digestion, hunting toxins, promotes weight loss, provides the necessary hydration you need in the morning and has a global cleaning effect on your body.

Open the window

Open the window and let in the morning fresh air. It is the most rejuvenating experience that immediately stimulates your energy levels and wake up all your body. If you are doing yoga, morning meditation or just like drinking a refreshing morning drink - do it with a wide open window. You will be ready to face the day in no time!

Start your day with exercise

Half an hour of sweaty training has amazing advantages for your mind, body and soul. Make a full yoga session, exit in the short term, do exercise at home - the sweatser, the best! Do this on an empty stomach to give your metabolism, as well as your digestive system. This is the best way to start the day because it helps you burn calories faster and prepare your body for a food. You also get a splash of well-being-good hormones that instantly improve your mood. You will want to do it every day!


It is a scientific fact that meditation reduces stress and anxiety, while keeping your mind calm and relaxed in various situations. Whether just five minutes or half an hour, try incorporating a meditation session into your morning routine to create a more balanced lifestyle. If you are doing yoga, finish it with meditation. Otherwise, you can do it after the shower when you are all clean and fresh.

Avoid gadgets as long as you can

Gadgets disturb both our body and our psyche. This is a generally good idea to avoid all kinds of screens for at least one hour after your awakening. Enjoy the world, morning, fresh air and your charming breakfast. Nothing bad will happen if you do not check your email or social media the minute you wake up. You will have a quiet and peaceful morning without all the news and hassle of the lives of other people who cross social media.

Have a healthy breakfast

Your first food intake should be both delicious and nutritious. After all, it's the food that will keep you most of the day! Make sure it is packed with all kinds of mioms, nuts, seeds and other super-spikes. If you like your sweet breakfast, you can create a special smoothie (add cocoa beans for extra nutrition) or oat bowl with honey and berries. If you want to have something salty, a delicious lawyer toast with tomatoes would be perfect for you.

Enjoy a cup of morning coffee

There is still a lot of controversy that goes around the coffee, but if you enjoy the taste and smell of it - go ahead and prepares a joe steam cup to start the day. The coffee is packed with various nutrients as well as caffeine that can be good for you in small quantities. If you are not a fan of coffee, so do you make a cup of healthy green tea - it's a powerful antioxidant and also annoys you for the day. Take your time and enjoy the drink, while planning the things you want to do next. This is the most precious time of the day!

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