10 unhealthy foods that health food disguised

It seems like our grocery stores and supermarket shelves are filled with healthy foods, but when you look closer, they are only junk foods happen from a healthy snack.

We thought we were finished with the culture of food. It seemed like we are slowly resembling but surely away from healthy accident regimes and healthy food and fitness modifications. But the diet culture will simply not let go. It seems like our grocery stores and supermarket shelves are filled with healthy foods, but when you look closer, they are only junk foods happen from a healthy snack. Let's take a look at some of these unhealthy foods disguised healthy.

1. Frozen yogurt

The frozen yogurt is very deceptive. It's like if they said in the right place. It's so human, we ruined something just a bit so we can have much more. It looks like it's better than ice and does not taste as well as ice cream, but it always has a lot of sugar, and because of the fake "healthy" label, you will have a lot more. At this point, you could also have a small portion of real ice to satisfy your desire.

2. Dried fruits

Dry fruits are a little useless when it comes to health. It has been dried, it is narrowed in size and you can now have much more than you would do fresh fruit, and that means you consume more sugar than you would usually do. Because you can eat a cup of grapes, which will be like what, maybe 10 grapes. You can also easily eat a cup of dry grapes, but it quadle calories and much more sugar now. The dried fruits are just preserved, but it is always better to have fresh.

3. Sports drinks

Sports drinks are bizarre, they are announced as an excellent source of hydration for athletes, but they are mainly bought by teenagers who do not even work. They are supposed to contain electro-light to help more effectively to hydrate those who exert strongly and lose a bouquet of water. If you are an athlete who runs a marathon, it's a good idea, but if you are an ordinary person who is 30 minutes from light jogging - Jump it. They are basically slightly less welded sweet.

4. Vegan Junk Foods

There is this myth that if something is labeled as vegan, it means that it is healthy, but that's not the case. All this means that it does not contain any animal derived ingredients, it is not intrinsically healthy. Vegan chocolate is always chocolate, it is still full of sugar. Vegan burgers are always fat burgers, except that they are full of vegetable oils instead of animal fats. Basically, junk food is always junk food and is not healthy, even if it is vegan.

5. Gluten-free snacks

The same logic applies to gluten-free foods. Just because it does not have gluten does not mean that it is somehow superior and super healthy. There are tons of gluten-free snacks that are packed with sugar and trans fat. So, if you are looking for healthy things - read the ingredients, do not just fall for a false advertising and misleading packaging.

6. ENimpressed marriedJuice

It sounds like a healthy alternative to soda, it is made from fruits? Well, not always. The freshly squeezed fruit juice is made of fruit, but all these juice cards that you see in the supermarket are essentially sweet water with fruit extracts to make it vaguely taste fruit. If you look at the list of ingredients, you will see the sugar as a second ingredient. But even if you encounter freshly squeezed franchise juices, you still lack good things like fiber and do only drink fruitful water. Yes, it's natural, but if you drink it in excess, it is still too sweet. Have real fruits.

7. Whole wheat foods

There is this strange trend that will go around, where people know that too much bread and pasta and bakery products are not good for them, but if you add an "whole wheat" on behalf, they suddenly think Healthy. Wheat is not great for us, it is going to eat it in moderation and fresh bread, the chopsticks and bagels are delicious, but do not be fooled by the label "whole wheat". That the whole grain has always been sprayed into the flour to make the dough, so that it will still stitch your blood glucose.

8. Agave Nectar

So we all learned that sugar is bad and we try to stay safe, but it also means that people are looking for healthier alternatives. This is where the agave nectar enters place. It sounds better, it's natural, it must be healthy, right? Not really, it's still essentially sugar. I mean, sugar is also made from natural sources, you know. There is really no difference if you soak your pancakes in the sugar, syrup or agave nectar, it will affect you in the same way, your body can not tell the difference. So, simply use less than your favorite sweetener and save money.

9. Foods without bold

The idea was to eliminate saturated foods, but the evidence on how it makes them healthier was low. In the end, we find ourselves with a bunch of boldless and low-fat products that are bad taste or have a whole pile of sugar to compensate for fat and add flavor. The next time you plan to buy a low fat yogurt, just jump and go for full fat instead.


We all know we should eat more salads. They are full of vitamins and vegetables are good for us. However, we often pool these vegetables in vinaigrette without giving it a lot of thought. But you have to be careful and read labels, too much salad sauces are full of trans fat, sugars and other chemicals that basically transform your healthy salad into a junk food meal and at that time you could also I had a happy meal.

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