Yoga for anxiety: 8 poses to try
With a lot of things in the world, it is natural for us to feel overwhelmed by stress and anxiety. Whether global issues that turn their heads, events in your personal lives or quarantine do you arrive, there are specific yoga posts that can help mitigate this frustrating anxiety and help you feel at comfortable in the world.

With a lot of things in the world, it is natural for us to feel overwhelmed by stress and anxiety. Whether global issues that turn their heads, events in your personal lives or quarantine do you arrive, there are specific yoga posts that can help mitigate this frustrating anxiety and help you feel at comfortable in the world.
1. Shaft
A popular standing pose, it can help you become more introspective and burglary these race thoughts that seem to overwhelm you. It is also a superb basic reinforcement. Wearing weight on one foot, lifting the other on the floor and turning the sole inside the standing leg, placed outside the calf or thigh (ankles for beginners.) Pace hands in the position of Prayer in front of the chest for an additional defi balance. Hold for two minutes on each side.

2. Triangle
Boost your mornings with triangle pose, which reduces not only anxiety, but a backward tension and neck in case you slept badly. See you on feet larger than the hips, facing towards the left and the right at a slight angle. Lift both arms on the sides, with low oriented palms and reach it with your left hand, prolonging the torso ahead. Bring back our right hip by striking to hip and place your left hand on your leg, or soil if possible. Lift the right arm towards the ceiling. Keep a minute on each side.

3. The pose of the child
When you just need to relax and let everything go, put yourself in the same child's pose. Start in a knee position, sitting on the heels. Fold yourself and extend your hands and arms in front of you, leaving the torso falling completely on the thighs. Rest your forehead on the floor and hold up to five minutes, or so long, you need.

4. Pose of legs-up-the-wall
If you have a wall, it is a totally repaired way to remove your mind and come back to a Zen place. It also really opens the lower body (goodbye, down the back) while strengthening. Start by sitting with your right side against a wall. Then lie down and swing your legs so they slide against the wall. Keep your bottom as close to the wall as you want, relaxing all the top of the body. Add a pillow under your bottom if you need more support. You can stay in this installation for 10 minutes maximum.

5. Bridge
If you need luxurious restoration that is also a heart opener, look no further than the bridge poses. This can also be rejuvenating, because it wakes up both the front and back of the body. Start with coast with arms and bend your knees with flat feet on the floor, heels near your bottom. Then press your feet in the floor, pushing your cut and engage your buttocks when you push yourself in the air, lifting your bottom until the thighs are parallel. Back by rolling the vertebral column slowly.

6. Cat cow posing
If you suffer from anxious thoughts or you can not get out of a bad mood, consider cow's pose cat, which really wakes up the spine and encourages you to relax with breathing. Start in the table, inhalation when you curb your back and stick your cut, lifting the crown of your head. Hold for five seconds, then exhale when running the spine, hire the abdominals and you store your chin with the head down.

7. Camel
By increasing the flexibility of your body with camel installation, you increase the flexibility of your mind. This backbend begins by kneeling on your knees (with a wall in front of the support), tilting the crown of your head back while you open your chest, placing hands on the back of the basin. Press the front thighs and lift your heart by pressing the shoulders blades against the rear ribs, pressed with the fingers that scramble your heels. If you can, hold them in a complete extension of this backbend. It stimulates your body with oxygen and opens your mind at the same time.

8. Front fold
If the instruction of camels avoid, consider starting with one of the simplest - the front fold, otherwise called uttasana. It's an automatic way to clear the head, and it's probably because all the blood flow rushes quickly to your head. It calms mentally and can even relieve headaches while stretching your back, shoulders and hips. Stay in this pose for a minute or two, and if you wish, take your elbows, swing side by side, which releases the tension.