9 surprising ways to use an aluminum foil

Here are some of the most unusual and yet very useful ways you can use aluminum foil in your daily life.

The aluminum foil is a staple in many households and we all use it when baking. It's a favorite among those who try to avoid washing the cooking leaves every time they use one. But did you know that the tinkle tail can be used for many other things than to prevent your oven from getting dirty? Here are some of the most unusual and yet very useful ways you can use aluminum foil in your daily life.

1. DIY Cake Panque

Let's start with the familiar territory of aluminum leaf - in the kitchen. If you want to cook a cake that is not a standard form, you do not have to buy a special saucepan to use it once. You can simply use an aluminum sheet and fold it in a shape you need.

2. Soften brown sugar

If you need brown sugar for cooking, you know sometimes, it just hardens in pieces that feel as hard as a rock. The best way to soften this sugar is to pour it in lines online and bake 5 minutes. Be careful however, it will be hot.

3. Fortune piping bag

If you want to pipele the icing or cream on a cake or cupcakes, but you are running out of piping bags, do not rush to cut the corners of Ziplock bags. You can simply change the aluminum foil in a funnel, then use it as a piping bag.

4. Screen Scissors

If your cooking scissors become boring and you want to omit your herbs instead of cutting them, try this business. You can sharpen your scissors with a tin sheet. All you have to do is cut the enclosure background with scissors a few times and they will become more net. Test it!

5. Protecting combustion pies

Cook a perfect tart is a hard business, you have to leave it in the oven long enough for the filling cooking through and the bottom of the crust is cooked, but sometimes the top of the pie becomes much brown than the perfect golden we To prefer. In order to prevent you can put aluminum sheet on the pie crust to protect it from combustion and remove it closer to the end of cooking.

6. Clean money

You can use Tinfoil to clean the money, which includes both silverware and silver jewelry. If you have silverware or jewelry that go all Ternis and dark Here is an excellent advice that is fast and requires minimal effort. Line a pastry plate with an aluminum foil, add some tablespoons of salt and baking soda, put your silverware on the top and cover it with water. Let it rest for 5 to 10 minutes and then rinse. You do not even need to rub anything. The chemical reaction will do all the work for you.

7. Clean the iron

If you feel as if your iron is dirty and has a bunch of strange brands on the plate and will sometimes stick to the clothes, all you have to do to clean it is the iron is ironing. 'aluminum. You will be surprised to see that just in some passes, your iron will be clean like new and super brilliant.

8. Rub a filth away

You can use a wrinkled tin sheet to rub the dirt on your cooking sheet or clean the burned parts on your cast iron frying pan. It is also very useful to clean the grill grills and the cookwatch holder and rub your pots in the same way.

9. Iron more efficiently

If you have clothes that get superb wrinkles and you have to spend ages passing over the same place with iron, here is a way to make your life a little easier. Just put a layer of tiligne under the cover of your ironing board. When you iron your clothes, the heat will be reflected on the right, so it's like ironing your clothes on both sides at a time.

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Tags: life hacks
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