This diet can simply help reduce cognitive decline

There are components in the food, the frequency of which you eat it, which can surprisingly astonish how this affects your body.

What we put in our mouth has a huge impact on our body. The diet can completely change the function of the systems in us, for good or bad. That's why it's very important to monitor what we eat and how much we eat. But what's going on if the foods you thought were bad for you to really be good for you? There are components in the food, the frequency of which you eat it, which can surprisingly astonish how this affects your body. A study showed that there are particular foods we can consume who can help our brain work better.

This study was completed and led by Auriel Willette, Assistant Food Sciences and Human Nutrition Professor, and Brandon Klinedinst, a doctorate in neuroscience. candidate in food science and human nutrition. The study focused on data collected from 1,787 adults from the United Kingdom. It was collected via the British biobank, a biomedical database containing genetic information and health of half a million participants. Thanks to a fluid intelligence test, participants answered questions that analyzed their ability to "think on the fly". These tests were administered from 2012 to 2013 and then repeated in 2015 and 2016. The general database that these participants were learned from having helped create a research reference basis for progress in some of the highest threatening diseases in danger.

In this test, they also answered questions about their consumption of food and alcohol such as fresh fruit, raw vegetables, fat fish, beef, cheese, bread, beer, coffee, coffee. White wine, champagne, liqueur and many others.

Through these conclusions, they found something very intriguing on alcohol, lamb, salt and cheese. These four things have been shown to have a significant impact on cognitive function.

Cheese turned out to be beneficial to organize age-related cognitive problems and can even help as we get older. It was the most protective food for all conclusions. If you consume daily, alcohol can also be useful in this aspect. Especially with wine and red wine, an improvement in cognitive function is possible.

"I was pleasantly surprised that our results suggest that the consumption of cheese cheese and red wine is not just good to help us cope with our current Covid-19 pandemic, but maybe also with a world of more and more complex that never seems to slow down, " Wonette told the sources."Although we have taken into account if it were just because the beloved people eat and drink randomized clinical trials are needed to determine if an easy modification of our diet could help our brain significantly."

The lamb is also a beneficial food to consume every week. It is the exception to red meats because it can actually help with cognitive function while other red meats can potentially be harmful. Finally, salt is surprisingly good food to use frequently for cognition. The other demographic group that should be careful with salt is people who are already at risk of Alzheimer's disease. They should be aware of the long-term salt consumption so that they do not increase these risks of cognitive disract.

"Depending on the genetic factors that you wear, some people seem to be more protected from the effects of Alzheimers, while others seem to be more exposed"Klinedinst said."That said, I believe that the right food choices can prevent the disease and cognitive decrease. Maybe the money we are looking for is the upgrade of how we eat. Know what this Implied contributes to a better understanding of Alzheimer's and put this disease in a reverse trajectory. "


Categories: Food&Travel
Tags: diet / health
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