10 famous redheads we love and love

Natural redheads are rare and represent about 2% of the population, it's funny how many red-headed celebrities. And we love them and their red hair, whether natural or not.

Many people naturally led by red or dare we say "gingers" tease for their hair color when they are young. There are so many nasty things that people say about natural redheads as having no souls or get a freckle spot for every soul they fly. And even though natural redheads are rare and account only about 2% of the population, it's funny how many red-headed celebrities. And we love them and their red hair, whether natural or not. Let's take a look at famous redheads, are we going?

1. Amy Adams

Amy Adams is a beautiful and talented redhead that gave us a pretty incredible performance both in comedy and drama. She won two gold globes and she was named for several Oscars and Baftas. And of course, its red hair nuance is so pretty, women around the world draw their hairdresser to copy it. Its natural hair color is blonde with strawberry, but it dyes red once for a movie and loved it so much that it has just kept it.

2. Jessica Chastain

This beautiful actress and producer Hollywood is actually a natural redhead. She refuses to color her hair naturally with ginger even for cinema roles. She says she was often taled like a child for her hair color and freckles and I just wanted to mix it, but finally, she realized that to have something that sets you apart is actually very enabling. So now, she loved her red hair and if the role calls to a different hair color, it just wears wigs.

3. Julianne Moore

Nobody surely knows if Julanne Moore is a natural redhead or not, but she rocks this dark auburn cherch for a moment and we absolutely love it. His daughter also has a very similar hair color that makes us think that it is a natural wonder or that they have the same great hairstyler.

4. Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lonah has colorful hair and for a moment when she was a blonde. But if you look in his career and how she looked in his childhood, it's just to assume that she is a natural ginger. Its freckle spots also prove the point further. We loved her hair color in the parent trap and it looks like she looks like her roots in her new role in a British show with Rupert Grint.

5. Emma Stone

This could surprise a lot but Emma Stone is not a natural redhead, she is actually blonde. But once she went to red, she never returned and even when she changed hair color for roles, she always returned to her famous redhead look. It suits him so well!

6. Sophie Turner

Sophie Turner played a redhead like Sansa Stark on the set of thrones, and while we loved the look, turns out that Sophie is a blonde and did only for the role. According to Sophie, he was actually quite discouraging to hardly color his red hair for years, while she was on the show. She has always tried to come back to blonde between seasons, but it was so damaging for her hair that she just started wearing a wing on the show.

7. Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts was known for her red hair thanks to her role in the pretty woman. She had big curly red hair then and it became a signature for a while for her to have a reddish and chestnut color. And although it is naturally dark blonde and tried a range of hair colors over the years, it will always be a redhead.

8. Christina Hendricks

Christina Hendricks is known to be one of the sexiest redheads of Showbusiness, but she has never kept a secret that it's not his natural hair color. In fact, it is rather proud that people thought it looked natural because it was just dying red at home.

9. Lana Del Rey

Lana has become a darker hair color these days, but we loved it like a redhead. His Auburn locks seemed so brilliant and glamorous and suited it so much. We hope in some way that it comes back to this color of hair, but according to its hairdresser, it is naturally a blonde level 9. Who would have thought, right? She is a redhead in our hearts though.

10. Rupert Grint

And just for the laughter, we thought we would include a famous ginger that we all love and we liked since our childhood - Rupert Grint. The famous actor who played Ron Weasley is proud of ginger. He had his intimidation of a child because of his red hair, but he is finally what distinguished him and gave him the role that changed his life.

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