CrossFit for women - If you give yourself a try?

There are many things that can be called Crossfit. Is the new fitness glued? May be. Is it a stimulating and bullshit approach to training? Yes. Does this make you stronger and more fit if you commit yourself to CrossFit? Absoutely. But does all this weight raised and pushing massive tires for women? Is crossfit for women? Absoutely. Crossfit is for everyone and here are the reasons why.

There are many things that can be called Crossfit. Is it the new fitnesscraze? May be. Is it a stimulating approach and without towing bullshit? Yes. Will it make you stronger and more fit if you switch Crossfit? Absoutely. But does all this weight lift and convivial tire lifting and pusher? Is CrossFit for women? Absoutely. Crossfit is for everyone and here are the reasons why.

What is CrossFit?

Technically, CrossFit is a brand fitness regime created by Greg Glassman. Some people would say that CrossFit is a fitness program, but those who do it will tell you that CrossFit is a lifestyle. The workouts consist of functional movements that are marked or timed. Everything is on safe exercises and do your best. But CrossFit is not only about exercise, it is also good nutrition and community. And once you enter this community, you will understand that everyone can do crossfit, no matter their age or fitness level.

Crossfit for beginners

If you have already seen people doing Crossfit, you may have the impression that it's for athletes or at least very strong people. It looks pretty intense. We could even look like it's not something a beginner or someone who is not very fit would be able to do.

How to start CrossFit?

All you need to start doing Crossfit is finding a local crossfit gym and a good pair of workout shoes. It is not necessary to buy equipment because everything is provided to the gym. It is enough to wear comfortable workout clothes and have an open mind. You will meet people, you will make friends, you will become stronger and you swell a lot.

Crossfit Exercises

Crossfitexercises at the gym are different every day and they are always adapted to the level of fitness of the person who makes them .crossfit borrows moves some different sports like gymnastics, rowing, weightlifting, diet and others. All exercises are functional, which means they are movements that you would probably be conquered in real life situations. They are also designed to hit mosmuscle groups, so it's a complete body experience.

Crossfit Equipment

You do not really need to buy equipment to start doing Crossfit. You have just gone to a crossfit gym, also called box, and everything you need will already be there. Usually, there are weights, Kettlebells, Pullip bars, tires, medicine balls and other things you will use for a crossfit workout.

Crossfit workouts at home

If you go to the official CrossFit website, you will see that there is a section called "Crossfit House". There you can find recipes and training videos that you can do at home. The best thing about it is that you have nothing to buy to start. You can just follow the movements and if you need something for an exercise, you can always use that you already have at home, like bottles of water like weight or chair instead of a bench.

How many calories is CrossFit burned?

Crossfit sessions usually only last 20 minutes and, as they are a high intensity, you will burn between 200 and 300 calories at that time. It all depends on your size, weight and general body composition. It might not seem like a lot, but considering only 20 minutes - it's actually a lot.

Why do people hate crossfit?

Most people who hate on Crossfit never tried Crossfit in their lives. The most common complaints are that it's too difficult and difficult, which is not entirely true. Yes, you will be disputed, that's how you improve, but no one will tell you to lift 300 pounds if you are a beginner. All exercises are adapted to your fitness level. Another reason that people hate on Crossfit is that they think it's a worship because there is a community element in, but this type of hatred comes from insecurity. And finally, some people hate her because they think it's elitist, but everyone can really join, literally anyone.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: CrossFit
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