Why Angelina Jolie does not look for love at any time soon

Angelina Jolie has always been in the spotlight and, because of that, his personal life is constantly stitched and pushed for public consumption. His love life is no exception. The tabloids like to report on the latest developments in pretty life in the department of love.

Angelina Jolie has always been in the spotlight and, because of that, his personal life is constantly stitched and pushed for public consumption. His love life is no exception. The tabloids like to report on the latest developments in pretty life in the department of love. But not only the tabloids like to follow the love life of Angelina because she is a celebrity, but also because she did things quite strange and unique with her others. What is surprising is that Agelina said she did not really focus on the meeting right now. I wonder how such a wonderful and sought after the romance? Learn why Angelina Jolie does not look for love at any time soon.

As indicated, there were quite strange things in the love life of Angelina Jolie who maintain the tabloids speaking of her. For example, when she was briefly married to Billy Bob Thornton, she and Billy wore bottles of the blood of the other as necklaces around their neck. They also spoke in a quite casual way of their sex life at that time, which was the beginning of the 2000s. Thornton reflected at that moment, saying, "I look at that time like a good time because you Know, Angie is always a friend of mine and she is a great person. " Angelina and Billy say that the media were blowing from the proportion story. Angelina said, "It was never a bottle anyway ... it was like a flower press. It was like a slight cut on your finger and tap your fingerprint. It was a kind of gestry gesture. I thought it was a little romantic! I still love her dearly and think the world of him, and I'm proud to have been his wife for a while. "

She ends up going to Marry Brad Pitt, forming the couple now emblematic Persona Brangelina.

For two decades, these two celebrities were the city's discussion and no one could have enough duo Brad and Angelina. Both fell in love while turning "Mr. and Mrs. Smith," and the media and the whole world ate it. They had naturally and adopted a total of 6 children together. They now have the age of 12 to 19 . Pitt and Pretty have built a fairly life life, but eventually called it leaves in 2016.

While Bradgelina was the source of a lot of popularity with fans and chatting in the media, she is now in Brad when it comes to their children. They are in a guard battle for their children. When looking for a new other important thing, Angelina anticipates that it will be very difficult to move forward. "I probably have a very long list [of our]. I have been alone for a long time now, says Jolie. She said she also chose to focus on her children and be a great mother, having even said that her children help her even navigate the realities of being a single mother.

By describing her children, she said, "I have six very competent children. Of course, you wake up and you simply feel that you have to make sure they agree. I have to make sure they are very mental. But honestly, I think a few years ago and they think, I have to make sure mom is ok. "They take so good care of me and we are such a team. So I am very, very lucky. So I'm worried. I'm always the one who worries but I love them. They are cool people. "

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