15 fashion lessons you only learn while living in New York

NYC is known as a huge fashion capital around the world - you will never cease to meet types of creators serving looks that are ahead of the trend curve. However, there are rules that come with these trends. Here are the biggest NYC style lessons learned us.

Nycis known as huge fashion capital in the world - you will never go through the types of creators serving looks that are in advance of the trendy curve. However, there are rules that come with these trends. Here are the biggest NYC style lessons learned us.

1. Take the advantage of sales samples. Go early - even if it's always a line, it's worth it. Sales samples are originally hosted in warehouses, selling epic designer parts for an average price as the average price.

Sales | 15 Fashion Lessons You Only Learn While Living in New York City | Her Beauty

2.You can go to the club in sneakers. Unless you go to a high place, you can wear a pair of cool kicks by Adidas X Raf Simons, Yeezys or Fenty Pumas.

To the club in sneakers | 15 Fashion Lessons You Only Learn While Living in New York City | Her Beauty

3.In is a related note, you can escape the vaulting in Fancy Streetwarif you know how to shoot it - it basically means that you can go tobile events in tracksuit pants, then polish this skill!

Go to formal events in sweatpants | 15 Fashion Lessons You Only Learn While Living in New York City | Her Beauty

4.The black thing is not a myth - after having lived in New York for a while, you are going to look slowly and realize that you have brought a differentiation of the same black outfit - it's almost an annual introduction of Newyorker .

Black outfit | 15 Fashion Lessons You Only Learn While Living in New York City | Her Beauty

5. At the same time, New York City hosts some of the most eccentric types and personalities we have known, so if you want to wear colorsclashing with a cape, you probably will not have too much looks and someone could even dress as you.

Eccentric style | 15 Fashion Lessons You Only Learn While Living in New York City | Her Beauty

6.Thift Shops are your best friends. Ain many places with the United States, you really have to hunt juice to find a jewel. But in New Yorkcity, savings stores are home to some of the most amazing vintage eyes, various jackets from the school to sewing rooms.

Thrift shops | 15 Fashion Lessons You Only Learn While Living in New York City | Her Beauty

7.You will certainly wear the same pair of pants more than three times a week. New Yorkers do not have washing machines at home on most things to maintain the automatic launderette that is happening at least, you will get your clothes well. Learn to mix and mix!

Pair of pants  | 15 Fashion Lessons You Only Learn While Living in New York City | Her Beauty

8.Deck that Streetwear is allowed, exit in pajamas is not. Do you certainly want to judge looks if you do it - even the Bodega Isan Opportunity to serve looks.

NYC streetwear  | 15 Fashion Lessons You Only Learn While Living in New York City | Her Beauty

9.When wearing heels, avoid metro grilles. They covering your new stilettos that cost a complete salary, and it allows to take lightly NYC.

Heels | 15 Fashion Lessons You Only Learn While Living in New York City | Her Beauty

10.Loles have an elegant polisher layer for the colder months. NYC ISPRETTY Sweet, but when a blizzard or a cold front strikes, you want to fool yourself while watching well. A long black silhouette with a waist or belt is usually flattering.

Stylish puffer coat | 15 Fashion Lessons You Only Learn While Living in New York City | Her Beauty

11.Ane eruption makes everyone better, even on their worst days. That's why there is a literally dedicated lounge to dry in an Inat restaurant in Manhattan called dry bar.

DryBar | 15 Fashion Lessons You Only Learn While Living in New York City | Her Beauty

12. Politicians are not a choice. VIRE YOU WITH ONCTUMENTS AND FILS OF DELAST LEAVE AN IMPRESSION ON ALL THE WORLD. Get cheap manicurism in New York, so there is no excuse for being caught without one.

Manicure is cheap in NYC | 15 Fashion Lessons You Only Learn While Living in New York City | Her Beauty

There is no such thing that a woman who is just a clutch in Herandand in New York, unless he has a driver at any time ready to choose the rest of his property. Usually, you need a gym bag, your everyday handbag, your tote with work tips, a shopping bag with which you brought it and lunch.

Belongings | 15 Fashion Lessons You Only Learn While Living in New York City | Her Beauty

14.A shoe change is essential at any time. Office shoes are notcommez and after a full day walk on the train, taking the theater, working all day, socializing after and returning home to find pinched and totally numb feet. The suburban shoe is a real thing and you should invest in it!

The commuter shoes | 15 Fashion Lessons You Only Learn While Living in New York City | Her Beauty

15. Finally, do not be sure of your natural style - let your monster flag fly!

Categories: Fashion
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