9 The best masks for the skin for your skin type

We have all the different types of skin, and it's hard to know that we will really help your specific skin problems, and skin type.

There is no type of skin care that can provide magic results. We have all the different types of skin, and it's hard to know that we will really help your specific skin problems, and skin type. That's why we have compiled the ultimate guide on what masks to use to target your specific problem and get your skin bright as soon as possible. Whether you make a DIY mask or buy one from the store, consider masks, which are faster than facials and bring immediate results.

1. The best for dry skin

Ingredients like clay will only dry your skin more, so instead of looking for detoxification products, focusing on hydration and moisturizing ingredients, such as glycerin, hyaluronic acid and aloe. At the moment, the rubber masks show a trend because they temporarily seal in the active ingredients to work better on your skin.

2. Bests for tightening and toning

For this skin care goal, you will want to look for masks that contain high levels of vitamin C, which is an important help in setting collagen and clamping tones. In addition, ingredients such as seaweed can help the skin strengthen (and tighten).

3. Best for lightening and lightening

If you are struggling with dull skin types or old age spots, you'll want to focus on exfoliation. Although there are many chemical exfoliating products, often fruit enzyme ingredients are the simplest and most effective. Fruit enzymes are contained in papaya, so if you can find a papaya mask, it's a sure bet. In addition, glycolic acid, lactic acid and retinol can help illuminate your skin.

4. The best for oily skin and obstructed pores

With many of us not able to get facials during the pandemic, clogged pores is a reality for several types of skin. If your skin needs a good cleaning, think of detox agents such as clay and coal. Try to find formulas with added botanical ingredients, since this help can in hydration, which sometimes sucks out. These formulas are also suitable for blackheads, many of whom are suffering from.

5. Best for skin fault subject

Beta hydroxy-acids such as salicylic acid are soluble in oil, so they can treat acne on oily skin. This specific acid concentrated in the sebaceous glands, banning the excess sebum excessiveness of the defoling of the dead cells of the skin. Some types of skin are sensitive to salicylic acid, and in this case we recommend an alpha-hydroxy acid, such as lactic or glycolic acid.

6. Best for irritated skin, red or sensitive

If your mission is to appease and calm irritated skin, look for skin care formulas or homemade masks that chamomile use, cucumber, oats and aloe. Calendula is also a fantastic soothing agent. In addition, hyaluronic acids and coconut oil can help. Some dermatologists recommend vitamin B3, alias niacinamide, which can help reduce redness and effects of sensitive or rosacea skin.

7. Best for hyperpigmentation

If you have uneven stains or dyed, consider using a recipe with algae or spirulina. This formula acts as a skin and combat hyperpigmentation with a spirulina of vitamin C, as well as the antioxidant derived blue algae. The gel has a tingling effect that makes the sensitive skin irritate.

8. Best for cystic acne

Having cystic acne is a difficult situation for everyone. If you have tried endless masks and nothing can clarify anger, red butt, turn to a brand of confidence care like Peter Thomas Roth. Masks for cystic acne often use sulfur, and this clay mask is packed with it in maximum resistance. Reviews on Amazon and all the web having nothing but praise to say about this mask changes life, which can be difficult to recreate in a DIY scenario.

9. Best for any type of skin that wants fast action results

Maybe you go to a date or one of the impromptu daughters. If you do not have time for your skin to repair overnight, think of a "snapshot" mask like Goop mask by Juice Beauty. It does not come cheap but is really worth it. This mask, exfoliate and hydrate repairs while one with its plant-based formula. The company recommends leaving the mask for up to three minutes, and it can be removed in as little as 3 minutes! Say goodbye to wait 10 minutes that your hardening mask uncomfortably around your face.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: skincare
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