12 best and worst summer foods

Summer is this special season of the year when you have a huge choice of fruits and vegetables to eat well every day, but there are also things like ice cream sandwiches, sweet drinks filled with sugar And calories, and a bouquet of other summer staple foods you should avoid at all costs.

Summer is the Sprecial season of the year when you have a huge choice of Andveggies fruit to eat healthy every day, but there are also things like ice sandwiches, sweet drinks filled with sugar and calories and harm other basic summer foods that you should avoid at all costs. This is the time to reconsider your diet, experiences with smoothies, create mouthwash bowls and simply enjoy all vitamins and nutrients that go with fresh summer products. Here are 12 best summer foods and more summer.


The mango is generated as the king of fruits and for a reason! Ispulpy mango, soft, refreshing, a little tangy. It creates a perfect base for burning summer drinks and desserts that have the taste of heaven. Outside, mangoes help digestion, increase immunity due to vitamin C, promote eye health as well as the health of the GUT.

Worse:Snow cones

Eating a slshysnow cone might seem like a good idea when a hot summer day, Butbelieve when you say you do not want to go anywhere near Thesummler Treat. The snow cones are in corn syrup, a strip of sugars and shaved ice. There is nothing good in them anything! Versoopt for a popsicle made of real fruit juice.


The watermelon is another perfect summer fruit that is a powerful antioxidant and can be transformed into a variety of delicious treats such as fruity popheads orcooling ice cubes of watermelon. This is the only fruit that will restore the balance of the water and moisturize each part of your body. It's like water, only earlier!

Worse:Hot Dogs

According to the organization of the health of the AWORLD, processed meats like those you have inclusion dogs are as dangerous for your health than asbestos and tobacco.Stities reveal compounds found in Causeecolorectal cancer sausage. A sandwich with a chicken breast will be an option a lot of money!


Yogurt is the pledge of the head regarding summer snacking. It is packed with laprotein that keeps your belly satiated for a long time and reduces fruit for snacks of friends and rooms. It is low on fat, but Richwith Probiotics that promote the health of incidents and improve digestion.yoghurt also amazing in combination with fruits and becoming a reference base for your summer smoothie.

Worse:Sugar-free ice cream

Yes, it's free sugar, but to make this kind of tasty ice cream or at least edible, manufacturers are content with so many chemicals that you will need detox smoothies to get one of these ice creams out of your ice cream . The sorbitol reduces the water level in your body and dries the utilos intestines, while the inulin used instead of grease, causes and gases. Better to go for a small portion of gelato -it, will be much more tasty and missing than any sugar abomination.


Melons are Richwith Vitamins A and C, which improve both your Angeux immune system. Eating muskmyms regularly will also give your skin an Ahealthy glow, while fighting harmful bacteria. Mange Achunk of Muskmelon with your breakfast or add it to your fruit fruit - it has an incredible taste anyway!

Worse:Iced bottle tea

Remember that this is soft, liquid, and you see it on the asppeter shelf, then go! This is a general rule when it comes to summer drinks such as soda, juice and appearance of unuse of iced tea theater. They all contain artificial sweeteners that make you believe more candy. And water that your body actually becomes boring and you skip it more than you should only you should create your own sugar-free iced tea and a lemon rejuvenation effect.

Better:Salads with leafy greens

And not only green vegetables, but dark leafy greens such as our favorite spinach and our favorite spinach. They contain carotenoids and vitamin A that protect your skin from harmful UV rays, while hydratizing your skin and improving the health of the hotel. Add carrots and apricots for an additional boost devitamins.

Worse:Ice cream sandwich

You have probably named that most ice creams are not a very healthy food and most of the time contain ingredients that are really bad for you. Ice CreamSandwich Here is packaged with saturated fats and contains on the leash of your daily caloric intake. Well, if you go well with the consumption of ice cream sandwiches and ice cream a day, so that's all correct!


An excellent source of fat, lawyers are incredible, no matter how you look at it. It is appointed and will keep your hunger at the bay for a long time. It contains about 20 vitamins and minerals, as well as fibers that keep a healthy intestinal. It also brings really powerful antioxidants and lower cholesterol levels. It's just too good!

Worse:Carbonized meats

If you are in summer barbecues, we have bad news for you. Carbonized meats, chicken and fish are a great no-no for those of you who want to eat and be healthy this summer. Animal proteins passing through a high temperature cooking process create chemicals responsible for certain types of cancer. If you are worried about your protein intake, try inclining more grilled vegetables in your diet. Proteins can also be obtained from grains, legumes, dairy products and such.

Categories: Food&Travel
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