What is your sister point of the plant according to your zodiac sign

It turns out that each sign of the zodiac has a plant that suits it best. Yes, we are talking about the personality of the plant here! Here is your plant sister according to your zodiac sign.

If you like plants, you have probably noticed that some of them make you feel happy and bring good energy into your home, while others bring only trouble. Well, astrology has something to say about it too! It turns out that each sign of the zodiac has a plant that suits it best. Yes, we are talking about the personality of the plant here! And yes, there is and you have to be careful when choosing your plant because you can end up with something that does not suit you at all. Here is your plant sister according to your zodiac sign.

Aries - Cactus

Aries is an independent person who likes to stay outdoors and travel around the world. That's why they need a plant that will do its own while they are in the wild or exploring the city. Cactus is exactly that! This will survive even if you do not present yourself at home for an entire week!

Taurus - Jade

Taurus is persistent and likes to have some routine. Being a bull, you are in love with the discipline, which is why a plant like Jade will become your perfect plant soul mate. He pushes at a sustained pace, has his own routine and will make you calm and happy when he grows up.

Gemini - Plant Air

Gemini are independent and love changes more than anything else. You do not like to stay in the same place for a long time, making it almost impossible to have a pet or plant. That's why your plant core is the magnificent plant.

Cancer - Silver Tree

Cancer is a very well-founded person and finds comfort in a good abundant home. The best choice of plants for you is a beautiful silver tree that has incredibly powerful positive energy. You have a nourishing nature that is suitable for this best tree. In return, it will bring you luck and create a good atmosphere at home.

Leo - Bromeliade

Leo's charisma and heat make it the center of everyone's attention. For people like this Bromeliade, it's the ideal plant. This exotic flower recalls Leo Flashy personality and they are very easy to take care of.

Virgo - rubber tree

Virgo is the most meticulous, the hard and reliable work of all the signs of the zodiac. They have high standards, but at the same time, they are very attentive and feel responsible for the well-being of others. This makes the rubber tree an ideal partner for their factory. With its magnificent brilliant leaves and regular needs, Virgos will felt great attentive satisfaction for this plant.

BALANCE - Monstera

The bibras are sophisticated and have a desire for beautiful and artists. They can spend hours talking about theater and the latest art exhibitions. This makes Monstera, a plant both trendy and incredibly beautiful, an ideal choice for billets. It can also become a big conversation starter!

Scorpio - Dracaena

Scorpos are emotional, simple and faithful to their nature. They will always say what's going on without thinking twice. This makes scorpions and dracaenas incredibly - this plant will also reveal its needs in a simple way. For example, its leaves will start falling or becoming yellow when there is an overflow of water. This type of directive is perfect for scorpos!

Sagittarius - Alocasia

Sagitarières are crazy about traveling and all adventurous things. They have a free spirit and a unique personality that goes incredibly well with the alocason, an exotic plant of the Philippines. It's rare and extroverting as Sagittarius and requires more love than other plants. This is exactly the type of Sagittarius plant will love to take care of.

Capricorn - Bonsai

Capricorns are crazy rules and control everything. In fact, they sometimes go to the sea with their desire to create an order everywhere. This trait makes the bonsai traditional a perfect plant companion for Capricornes. These plants require special care and special attention 24/7. It turned into a form of meditative art in Zen Buddhism!

Aquarius - Rex Begonia

Aquarius has a unique personality that does not like restrictions. The more freedom they have, the best! One day, they can be shy and introverted, the other they flourish in everyone communicating with as many people as possible. For people like that, the beautiful Rex Begonia is a perfect partner. It looks beautiful, but subtle and elegant.

Fish - Spider plant

Fish are attentive people who like to broadcast their love everywhere. Totally disinterested, they will like to have a spider plant around because it's like them! These plants do not really need additional attention - they thrive in the most unlikely dark conditions, spreading their love and good vibrations anywhere on the house.

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