10 big tips to effectively manage your time

Procrastination is difficult to avoid. But there are some tips to help you focus on the task to do. Here's our favorite.

Procrastination is difficult to avoid. But there are some tips to help you focus on the task to do. Here's our favorite.

1. Define and experience your short-term and long-term goals. Everything else is a distraction or waste of time. Stay focused by planning your day around the tasks that actively generate income and develop your business.

2. Remove the distractions and facilitations of procrastination. Do not go on social media or respond to personal texts. Learn to identify self-induced interruptions and triggers so you can find more control over your will.

3. This may seem unrelated, but practicing personal care! Getting enough sleep, exercise and downtime will help you be more efficient in time management.

4. Define your priorities by emergency. Consider breaking them in lists that you keep on a white board of your office, such as "important / urgent", "important / non urgent" or "urgent / not important" that refers to the tasks that make "noise" But have no lasting value and is better when delegated.

5. Be comfortable with say no. Take too many commitments can bring us many commitments, so learn to politely mess up on opportunities is an important skill, so you can filter what you really care.

6. Create time deadlines around tasks - it will change your "I will be here forever" to "I will work on it for two and a half hours". It will motivate you to be more efficient and concentrated, even if you have to go back later.

7. Member on healthy snacks throughout the day instead of soda, fleas and other processed foods. A coffee and a banana are good, but the drinks whipped with sugar and fast restaurants will slow down productivity and make you feel lethargic, dreading the rest of your days.

8. Plan your day in advance. Wake up without a plan invites the place to the distraction and to wander without purpose, creating a light outline the previous night can really help.

9. Use an online calendar or tool for planning emails to never have to worry about sending or responding to one. Access this information from multiple designs, schedule meetings, recurring events, and configuration reminders or time blocks.

10. Do not prevent you from things and be perfectionist if you do not need. This is a surprising wasteful waste and often creates a "never good" mentality that lets you climb details at 3 o'clock in the morning and reducing productivity. Doing your best and your future of a soldier is more advisable.

Categories: Lifestyle
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