Claire Luxton and his remarkable portrait

Claire Luxton is a very talented British artist who works mainly with photography, video and facilities. She has already found her own unique style that is immediately recognizable. She is known for her self-portraits. She has this amazing eye for the details and a vision of combining her love of portraits with her love of nature.

Claire Luxton is a very talented British artist who works mainly with photography, video and facilities. This talented young woman has a fine art degree from Goldsmiths University, London and has already found her own unique style that is immediately recognizable. She is known for her self-portraits. She has this amazing eye for the details and a vision of combining her love of portraits with her love of nature.

His projects often have bright colors, paintings, animals and botanicals in the most fantastic way possible. She has had two solo exhibitions in London and participates in many group exhibitions in galleries around the world. It was preselected for the Signature Art Prize in 2015, was a finalist in the price of Xerxes sculpture the same year and took place successfully in the second round of the Aesthetica Art Prize in 2016. Since then, she created Its own clear Luxton Studio brand, shot on the cover of the blogosphere magazine and was ordered to work for the Royal Birmingham ballet. Today we thought we would share with you some of her amazing portraits with animals, but we urge you to follow her onInstagram To see more of his remarkable work.

1. Peter and the wolf
It's a photo of the work of Claire with the Birmingham Royal Ballet, where she creates works of art for the new season ofPeter and the wolf.

2. Striped heart
Here is another beautiful portrait she did with a tiger. What you will discover soon is that Claire manages to make him look like she has similarities with each animal she photography.

3. Footprints
See how his freckles seem to match the wild cat? Claire has subtitled this picture with:
"We all have our brands and scars
Some visible, some purely ours.
At the heart, we are creatures
Wild inside,
From the rain that we run, from the cold we are hiding.
But embrace our impressions and we will find,
A nice heart and an open mind. "

4. Animalism
A much more common feline has become the subject of Claire's photography this time, but let's see how she subtitled this one:
"Different body, same spirit,
The path we walk will be enlanted.
Same spirit, different heart,
Although the road is long, we will never be part of. "

5. Wild heart
Claire is not just a super photographer, it also mixes with poetry.
"They ran together, hearts were one.
The evening sky, gave way to the sun.
His mind was pure and his was wild.
Never uncertain and never sweet"

6. Owl and Pussycat
And dare we say that it is rather good to the writing of poems too.
"She could not speak her fluid song,
The nights were cold and their long journey.
But she could read her eyes like the stars,
No language could stop a love like ours"

7. Night creature
Claire clearly has a special love for wolves, since they are so heavy in his works.
"She was the beast and beauty,
Light and shadow,
strength and fragility
never disappear.
Night creature. "

8. Kin
This photo is so incredible, loving the details in the eyes of Fox.
"We were one mind,
the same,
The fox and me.
Of a form,
to another
Under the sky of the moon. "

9. We run
This photo with the wolf is our favorite, look at the amount of freedom on this photo!

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