10 healthy habits better than a diet

It's easy to fall into ADF schemes that seem every day of celebrity magazines. And although they can make you look fabulous in time for the New Year, they have no sustainable effects that help you maintain weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Adopt these habits instead and prosper for the rest of your life!

It's easy to fall into ADF schemes that seem every day of celebrity magazines. And although they can make you look fabulous in time for the New Year, they have no sustainable effects that help you maintain weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Adopt these habits instead and prosper for the rest of your life!

1. Try walking 10,000 steps every day. The applications of your smartphone can help monitor the number of steps you are taking. Try to take a walk after dinner to help digestion and go for walking or cycling instead of driving or taking the transit.

2. Get your 8 hours of sleep! Beauty Sleep is one thing, and when you get less than the optimal amount, you can open up weight gain and one ton other problems.

3. Drink water and stay hydrated as much as you can. 8 glasses is optimal, but we understand it's not realistic for every lifestyle. Instead, try drinking as much flat water as you can, and when you need, spice it with citrus slices, fruits or infusions.

4. Always opt for steamed or cooked food instead of fries. While engaged in this very large french fries of McDonalds, it will take time from time to time, eating steam and oven, is healthy for your weight, cholesterol and skin. Baked fries taste surprisingly good!

5. Portion Check your food. If you eat a small amount of junk food, you want, you are less likely to take care of eating it later. The same goes for dinner and your other meals. Try to keep your food bands at a reasonable part at meals and your size will thank you.

6. Cook at home more instead of eating in restaurants. This helps you get out financially than physically. Restaurants are expensive and they are also full of hidden greases and calories. When you cook at home, you know exactly what happens in your food and how it is cooked.

7. Try to eat organic products when you can. We understand that this can be considered a luxury for some, but you can start by growing a couple of vegetables or herbs yourself! With the world filled with GMO that we live today, biological food is a valuable and essential goods.

8. MASTER VOLUME EAT AT LOADING PLACE OF CARBO. The volume eating is when you load fruits and fibrous vegetables, satisfying your stomach without eating too much. A massive cabbage bowl with a delicious vinaigrette is much more filled than a few slices of pizza.

9. Replace saturated greases with unsaturated people. It means throwing your raw potatoes and your pop piers, and load your omega 3s. Take your fridge with lawyers, salmon and nuts. Taco fish night with Guac? Yes please.

10. Do not look at TV or go on your phone when you have meals. By disabling technology helps your brain recognize when you become full, but you watch TV or mind scrolling during meals prevents your brain from recognizing that, which causes to eat too much. Motivating hand means a brain and a healthy intestine.

Categories: Lifestyle
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