7 ways to add a little (or many) boho style to your living room
So, how do you add a boho style to their living room? It's actually quite easy.

Boho gets a lot of bad representative without good reason. It comes mainly from people interpreting badly what the boho style is, what he represents and where he came even. So let's try to dig deep and get to the roots of the Boho style, are we going? The term "boho" comes from the word "Bohemian" which is associated with an unconventional lifestyle, often in the company of people sharing the same ideas and with few permanent links. Throughout history, this word has been used to describe artists, painters, writers or musicians, who were generally poor enough and often lead a nomadic lifestyle, moving from city in town. This type of lifestyle has led to people collecting various objects, incoming furniture and other random memories and their memories of their adventures and contributed to their interesting home and what we now call Bohemian. So, how do you add a boho style to their living room? It's actually quite easy.
1. Schemes
The easiest way to add Boho style to your living room is to add templates. Mix and associate various colors and models, everything is creative. And as we are not affected by colors or corresponding models, you can enter random throw pillows and this carpet that is on sale.
2. Books
The Bohemian style is all about culture and you need books. Display them on your shelves, in batteries around the room, with many magazines launched on table tables. Why keep them hidden in cupboards gathering dust when they could serve both entertainment and accessorize your living space.
3. Art
Nothing says "Bohemian" more than having a lot of art displayed in the room. Paintings, photographs, posters, anything and everything. Frame them, ruban them to the wall, blue, no matter. A gallery wall without particle theme is exactly what you are going to do. Each wall is a wall of the gallery.
4. Music
Musical and music instruments are a lot of this Boho look. So, if you collect vinyl records - Proupe proudly, you can even frame your favorite album covers. Old vinyl players add a lot of character to the room, then musical instruments like guitars or pianos (if you play them of course).
5. Natural materials
What else do you know is very boho? Wooden furniture, bamboo chairs, woven baskets, leather stools, hemp mats and other room decor in natural materials. But do not worry, everything must be made of natural materials, simply use them as accent pieces.
6. Vintage Parts
Flea markets are a girls when you try to look like your Bohemian living room. I mean, these vintage tables and cupboards and even incompatible millestic chairs can be a good deal, but they will make your living room amazing!
7. occasional
The most important thing to remember when you try to add a little boho style to your living space is to keep things relaxed. Do not go too far with vintage, do not look too cured. Have inexpensive IKEA furniture too, old shred rooms. Your home must be relaxed and lived, but a little chic.

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