8 foods you should eat more in winter

Let's look at the foods you should eat more in winter to feel good.

Winter is a magical moment for some and a terrible time for others. If you are lucky, you feel excited for snow, ice skating and snowman making. However, there are many people who fill a fear at the first winter signs. They feel just cold and exhausted and sad all the time during this season. But the good side is that you can adjust this by eating some food. All this has forced to do with good vitamins and nutrients. Let's look at the foods you should eat more in winter to feel good.

1. Blueberries
The blueberries are champions in antioxidants, which are incredibly good for you. They basically help you get rid of toxins and rebuild your cells. So, if you have luck - take fresh blueberries and make them a breakfast from the clip at home. Frozen blueberries are also a good option and they are usually cheaper than fees.

2. Quinoa
We tend to really go for carbohydrates in winter and it makes sense. The carbohydrates make us happy. But instead of going for simple carbohydrates like pasta or bread, we suggest you get entire grains, complex carbohydrates. They do not fear your insulin levels and keep you longer. Quinoa is a perfect choice.

3. Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits are an essential part of a healthy winter regime. They are full of vitamin C and they make your immune system stronger. In addition, there are so many choices here, you really can not go wrong. Lemons, oranges, grapefousses, clementines - they are all good for you, but the flavors are so different that you can really choose the ones you like the most.

4. Peppers
Speaking of vitamin C, we usually mention it when you talk about oranges or lemons, but peppers, but the peppers actually contain three times the amount of vitamin C with respect to citrus fruits. So, you know, if citrus fruits are not your cup of tea, you can always count on the pepper to provide you with a boosting vitamin C immunity.

5. Ginger
Ginger is usually a very healthy thing to eat. It has an immunity to strengthen properties and help digestion. This is basically the magic of your intestinal health, then make them store in winter. It is always better to have a root of fresh ginger instead of the dried spice.

6. Bananas
When you break down, which could often be in winter - it is always better to reach a banana instead of a cookie. This will strengthen happy hormones just as well as a chocolate treat, but it will have good vitamins and good nutritional value, unlike most sweet treats.

7. Broccoli
For some reason, many people do not like broccoli, but it's just childish. It is a great vegetable that you should definitely eat more. Especially in winter. It's full of vitamin C and can help you fight and prevent colds and flus. I mean seriously, what does not want to love here?

8. Root vegetables
Root vegetables are perfect for winter. They are seasonal for the winter so they are not expensive, but they are also full of vitamins and minerals in your body in winter. The carrots will provide you with beta-carotene, beets are full of iron and vitamin A and C, and even potatoes are good for you because they have a vitamin C and B6.

Categories: Food&Travel
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