10 most common reasons why marriages fail

Getting married is an exciting milestone in many lives. Unfortunately, we live in a time when half of the marriages end up fail. Obviously, we never enter our post-bridal era in the hope of the worst, but some indiscusable guilty contribute to this statistic; Here is the biggest.

Getting married is an exciting milestone in many lives. Unfortunately, we live in a time when half of the marriages end up fail. Obviously, we never enter our post-bridal era in the hope of the worst, but some indiscusable guilty contribute to this statistic; Here is the biggest.

1. Not enough investment - Emotionally, not financially. We believe that marriage is not hard work, does not require skills. To improve your level of investment in your relationship, include at least two hours of undivided attention once a week.

2. a part is not mature enough
Emotional immaturity is something that should be treated before marriage. Love someone and propose from them does not mean anything, unless you are emotionally ready to embark in a real partnership as a mature adult.

3. Do not be able to forgive
Where someone betrays our trust or hurt our feelings to some ability, the failure to truly forgive without forgetting is a real problem. You come back with Insistence Trauma from the past, which prevents the ability to cure in the future.

4. Forget you are also friends
You must forget everything "husband and wife" on the pressure and remember that you were friends, first! You have to love someone to love them, and the wedding sometimes makes us lost from that.

5. Unparalleled and non-pleasant expectations
Perhaps he expects you to become a housewife or you expect it to become family support. Anyway, your roles are not aligned and you have to discuss this head so as not to be a wedding dam.

6. Inability to compromise.
Being able to negotiate and meet in the middle is a large part of the marriage. If you are not willing to move on any of your problems, it will probably lead you to the divorce road. A partnership goes in both directions, after all.

7. Cultural or societal pressure
Maybe your family wanted you to settle with someone nice of your culture. You do not emotionally connect with this person but you want to make them happy, then you settle. The same for an arranged marriage or pressure from the company to get married before "the time is exhausted".

8. Do not know you well enough
While loving a sufficient person to want to marry them is important, nothing can replace a sense of true self-identity and rather makes decisions they think to be good for them. It's time to get to know each other and love you is the most important foundation - do not forget it.

9. Impulse control problems
This can have a negative impact on a relationship in different ways. This can lead to infidelity, a lack of action control during the drink and impulse purchase decisions that cause a financial ruin and a breeze of confidence. If they can not see the future impact of their actions

10. Hierarchize overtime hours instead of overtime relationship
When a partner puts with the effort, but the other seems more focused on the office, things can do Askew. You may work overtime for your relationship, but if the train station does not come soon, you will end up sacrificing the wedding instead.

Categories: Relationships
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