Signs that you are in a toxic relationship

Love is a delicate thing. When we are blinded by that, we can miss red flags that allow us to recognize emotional abuses and a toxic relationship. It's a difficult cycle to go out, but we are here to help you recognize these warning signs and let you know that you are better than that, and should not settle.

Love is a delicate thing. When we are blinded by that, we can miss red flags that allow us to recognize emotional abuses and a toxic relationship. It's a difficult cycle to go out, but we are here to help you recognize these warning signs and let you know that you are better than that, and should not settle.

You have an aggressive passive behavior of your partner. Maybe you ask them what's going on and they say "nothing" but punish you with silent treatment. The passive aggressive behavior is not healthy and does not help resolve conflicts. Gasoline is an experience of this behavior.

They have almost maniac behavior. One second, they pushed you and upset by the smallest thing, and the next, they tell you how much they love you and you want you to be the future mother of their children. Extreme and low extremes tend to toxic.

They make "jokes" that depreciate or hurt yourself, but claim that it is only a joke and that you are sensitive. It is a red flag that your partner is an emotional tyrant. Do not be done to feel as if you react when you are not.

You can not live your life without his consent. You constantly need a permission from them, which does not make sense in a mature relationship between two adults. Great life decisions are one thing, but get out with friends or being alone? It's a micro toxicity managing just toxicity!

You feel as if you walk on eggs and are paranoid they could panic. You hide your phone for fear they say something about a text and you do not have open communication lines.

You always feel tired or exhausted for no reason, and it's not lack of sleep. Imagine a life of this and breed your relationship in the bud. A healthy relationship should let you feel happy and relaxed most of the time, instead of drained.

You feel bad to do things about your time and feel the constant need to attend your partner and wait for them all the time. It's not love - it crosses the line and loss of your individual and your sense of identity.

They never take responsibility, even when they are bad sometimes, everyone must be the one to say sorry. If you remind them slowly to do something, or that blame falls on it, they refuse to take comments and rather to blame you.

They always look for things to change you and compare yourself to other girls. There is a way to challenge our partners to be their best and that's not that. If they want to change you, they should not be with you in the first place.

You are apologized for BAE and its red flags, friends and family. It's a sign that you may miss a part of the biggest picture that your loved ones have a better idea of. It's worth being listened to the place of the stony.

Categories: Relationships
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