Why does Spain need more feminism?
Despite finding ourselves in the 21st century, there are still too many differences and inequalities linked to gender, not only in Spain, but throughout the world.

Feminism is an integrative and inclusive social current that aims to real equality between men and women in all aspects of life: salaries, respect, justice ...
Despite meeting us in the 21st century, there are still too many differences and inequalities linked to gender, not only in Spain, but throughout the world; An inequalities that are especially accentuated in developing countries.
Main claims of current feminism
One of the main demands of current feminism and society in general is to end the scourge of gender violence, a problem still too extended and that each year provokes alarming figures of victims, both killed at the hands of their couples or expareales as for the simple fact of being women.
Also, the figures of Violence Vicaria (the one exercised on the[Email Protected] With the aim of hurting mothers) they are also worrisome and it is a priority to tackle.
Another of the claims is the salary difference, since, according to official data, there is a difference of more than 15% in the salary that men and women receive for doing the same work, although, fortunately, these figures are not extrapolatable to all sectors

Why is feminism necessary?
Feminism is a movement that exists for decades and that it does not include only women. There are many feminist men, since this political, social and philosophical current is not exclusive or intended to go against men, as it is intended to sell from certain conservative sectors that consider it a threat.
The need for feminism lies in the need to be equal and have the same rights and obligations, without the genre of a person determines the life of it.

No need to question us for being women
Question the guilt of a woman in front of a violation of how she was dressed or because she was alone down the street at certain night hours is something that should disappear forever from any advanced society and that is not done with men .
Something similar happens with maternity and care in general, both during childhood and in the case of seniors, sick or with any type of disability. It is a task that falls mainly on women and prevents them, in many cases, to develop a professional career. Most of care leave for care for women, with really shocking figures. The feminism only asks those tasks to be carried out with co-responsibility and that family, domestic and careful cargo are shared.

Presence of women in high charges
Another of the strengths of feminism is the intention to reach similar quotas of women in senior managerial positions, both in private enterprise and in public administration.
During the Government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, which began its legislature in 2004, the presence of women in senior positions and even at the head of many ministries provoked ink rivers, demonstrating the need to legislate in this regard to ensure levels of equality in all Estates.

Cultural, religious and political discrimination in other parts of the world
This 2021 we have seen horrified how the Taliban have been made with the power in Afghanistan, with the danger latent that this supposes for the women and girls who live there. Situations like this remind us of the importance of feminism not only in Spain, but throughout the world, where every day they die or murdered women for the simple fact of being, where girls for convenience marriages are still sold Abusive that even take them to death.

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