10 main reasons we stay in shitty relationships
Sometimes all singles aspire to a relationship. But often people do not pay attention to their relationship and can spend unhealthy years. This may seem to be a disturbed behavior and waste time, but here are some of the reasons why people do not pull the form on this expired love.
Sometimes all singles aspire to a relationship. But often people do not pay attention to their relationship and can spend unhealthy years. This may seem to be a disturbed behavior and waste time, but here are some of the reasons why people do not pull the form on this expired love.
1. Because we go to the unknown or the idea of loneliness is frightening. Just remind you that the fear of loneliness is simply a fear of change. You were once alone before BAE, which means you can find your foot in life after BAE.
2. The move is too complicated or difficult, and you think about the financial burden of renting and invoices for yourself. Links like a shared home, financial dependence or children can often be considered a good excuse to be able to pass through the relationship and harden it, but it's dangerous for all those involved.
3. You have the same group of friends. Breaking with friends can sometimes feel even more traumatic than breaking with a romantic partner. The way to solve this problem is to take your friend and explain that your friendship is distinct from the relationship and it is not necessary to choose sides.
4. Your parents love them, and you like their parents. Fortunately, you are not in a relationship with your parents of BAE, so that should not affect your decision. We get that parents of a partner can easily turn into substitute parents, but it's just their role if you like their child.
5. You have been together a very long time. This is otherwise called the investment factor in a relationship. Of course, if you feel strong doubts, a decade of being with someone could color your perspective in the wrong direction. Instead, think what life of this feeling could mean.
6. Because you are afraid of the poor quality alternatives that are there and that you were alone or scroll through the losers on Tinder. Fortunately, that's what your baby army does. To remind you that you deserve a prince and help you find it one day!
7. When the manipulation or gas rental has been committed in a relationship and abuse has been normalized. Your partner may be aware that you are trying to leave the relationship and use tactics' manipulation to get you subliminally staying, such as murderers or even threats of violence.
8. Because you do not attach yourself to yourself and you have a low sense of self. Therefore, you comfort in those who slaughter us because it confirms thoughts on ourselves, or we do not value our own happiness on someone else.
9. Because you are a nice people and you do not want to hurt the feelings of anyone. It's not too terrible a way to live life except in your relationship. Start doing things for yourself instead of other people.
10. The laziness. It's not worth it and people have to gather energy to reach their own fulfillment. You understand that start will be difficult and the concept of all this seems exhausting. Well, a life without love is even more exhausting, trust us!