10 hacks that can help you skip coffee in the morning

Many of us can not spend the day without a daily cup of delicious coffee. Some of us can not even pull out the door in the morning without Java into our system. And everything in small doses, everything is fine, depends on it's not great. Here are some ways to sender this dependence without crashing hard.

Many of us can not spend the day without a daily cup of delicious coffee. Some of us can not even pull out the door in the morning without Java into our system. And everything in small doses, everything is fine, depends on it's not great. Here are some ways to sender this dependence without crashing hard.

1. Drink black or green tea. These both contain caffeine, but in much lower amounts than coffee. If your dependence is serious, start with black tea before moving to less caffeinated green tea.

2. On a similar note, cut up gradually. Go cold Turkey will make you believe even more and feel unhappy.

3. Go to Expresso if you normally drink coffee by drip. It contains a lot less caffeine, although many people are not aware of that.

4. If the slats or the Americanos are not your thing, go to Decaf. Keep the robust and full-bodied taste without horrible side effects.

5. Exchange it for hot water, lemon and honey if you like a hot drink in the morning, but you want to skip tea, for some reason.

6. Removal of caffeine Conquering with a workout 20 minutes each day. The flood of endorphins crosses headaches and irritability that coffee often hangs and causes simultaneously during the withdrawal.

7. Keep an execution list of the money you save every day on the way to work. Attach a weekend goal or trip to work as an incentive to combat this dependence in the cafe.

8. Invest in TIC TACS or another mint at breath. Part of this joy you get from this cup of daily coffee is the appearance of oral compulsion and replacement with gum or mint can be useful.

9. Replace this cup of coffee with another ritual. Replace it with a sparkling water cup flavored, a morning smoothie, a meditation or even a walk of nature that looks like so much to treat and gives you a feeling of calm and similar relief.

10. Use the excess or other medicinal product of headache to counter the effects of caffeine. Each tablet contains 65 mg, from where the socket sufficiently and slowly reducing the dosage of the pill can slowly reduce caffeine.

Categories: Food&Travel
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