10 daily habits that can help you watch younger

People are terrified aging - but instead of having silly fear, why not make daily removals to stay young? Here are some daily habits to integrate with your lifestyle and help you simulate this number well in your 70s.

People are terrified aging - but instead of having silly fear, why not make daily removals to stay young? Here are some daily habits to integrate with your lifestyle and help you simulate this number well in your 70s.

1. Wear less makeup. Makeup can cause works, dried skin and obstructed and irritated pores. Choose not to relax as skin and look more naturally beautiful, as you get older.

2. Use a sunscreen. No matter how old are you, your skin needs protection. And use a four-time solar screen a week makes you a lot less likely to display signs of aging panels.

3. Get your 8 hours every night, or make a strong effort for. Sleep deprivation is messy and can age us for decades with years of sliding of our lives. Sleep is equal to elastic and young skin, free of buttons.

4. Use the correct moisturizer. Neglect to use moisturizers or the use of the wrong type can ruin your skin. But using the good will erase the years like no other and will help maintain collagen and elasticity.

5. Work frequently!It's not just for your size - it will keep the skin stretched too, improving the blood flow to exterior layers, stimulating oxygen levels and dragging harmful waste.

6. Avoid foods that stains your teethLike barbecue sauce, black coffee, red wine and soy sauce. Swape it for mango salsa or herbs and fresh spices and opt for Seltzer on Coca Cola. The yellow teeth make you look old.

7. Eat less sodium. Sodium, that salty foods are packaged, creates an inflated look. Not only will your belly thank you, but you will not be inflated in your underwear zone that adds years.

8. Do not heat your hair too much, and do not brush it wet. Try to straighten up once a week up if you want to have glossy and abundant strands on your head in old age.

9. Opt for fruits and vegetablesinstead of ice cream. Your skin will be more radiant - too much sugar can create premature aging, while eating natural foods, such as berries, are rich in antioxidants such as ellagic acid and can prevent wrinkles.

10. Have more sex. It releases mood reinforcement chemicals called endorphins, as well as contribute to improving sleep and reduce stress. Apparently, regular sex can make you look seven younger years.

Categories: Beauty
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