9 Tips for moving with your boyfriend

Moving with your partner is not a step you should take lightly. And although we can not prepare for each situation, we thought we would give you some tips and talk about things you need to keep in mind and think before passing.

Many people these days go with their partner before marriage. This makes sense for those who are in long-term relationships and ever-increasing rent prices push us to take this step earlier than later. And although it's a very good idea of ​​many people, it's not always exactly what you expect. Seeing someone almost every day and live with them are two very different things. Moving with your partner is not a step you should take lightly. And although I can not prepare for every situation, I thought I would give you some tips and talk about things you need to keep in mind and think before taking the step.

1. Get rid of clutter
First of all, you have to get rid of clutter. You might think that you do not have a lot of things, but once you started packing, you will quickly realize that there is a lot of shit that you have accumulated over the years. You could have space if you live alone, but remember that you must now share your space with another person and they also have things.

2. It's "our" space now
That you live with your parent or alone, you probably have the habit of having your own space. Whether it's a whole room or apartment that belongs only to you and anyone else. Well, the chances are you and your partner does not move in a huge house, but in a place rather small, so you will have to share everything. This space becomes "ours". Yes, this bathroom is no longer just yours, this bed that seemed so huge and comfortable - now you do not get half. It may not seem like a huge change, but it's really, and it takes time to get used to it.

3. The obvious bonus
I do not just want to list negatives so here is a more obvious to advance with your partner. They are always there for you. If you have a good day at work and everything you want is home to home and cuddle - you have to do that. If you need someone to talk to you and give you advice - they are there for you. When you need someone to listen to you - they live with you. It's very nice.

4. Fighting are difficult
Everyone fights from time to time, but when you live together, fighting could become overwhelming. You no longer have the opportunity to leave and go to your apartment to calm down and get your mind together. You are not to ignore the person for a few days and stop any communication. The best thing you can hope is to leave in a different room for a small breather or exit outside for a walk.

5. The compromise is the key
When you live with your partner, you must learn to compromise. Things can not be your way all the time. You must be ready to talk, find different solutions to a problem or sometimes do their things. Everything is about giving and taking.

6. Cook together
On both sides there are. On the one hand, cooking for two is much more amusing and feels better than cooking for one. On the other hand, if you have a small kitchen, like many apartments complexes, it can be quite hectic and boring to have two people at a time. Cook two different meals at a time can be virtually impossible, but if you have similar tastes in the food - everything will be fine.

7. Go out
When you live with your partner (a.k.A the person you like most), it could become a habit of staying. After all, you no longer need to go anywhere to see them, they are there every day. It is very easy to cook at home or order a pizza and watch a movie in your pajamas. But you have to go out sometimes to keep the fire burning if you know what I mean. Dress once in a while and continue on an appropriate date, it will be all good.

8. More a stash
One of the things you need to achieve before moving is that you do not have anywhere to hide. You can not claim that you are always put in place and you know what you are doing. All your secrets, strange habits and quirks will become obvious in the first month. So do you a favor and stop claiming, be yourself and discover it gradually as you still live away. Because it can be quite a shock if it happens at a time.

9. It's going to want to be alone
A few days, your room, your apartment, your life when you were single. And that's normal. We all want to be alone sometimes. It's okay to want to leave the house just to be alone with your thoughts. Do not worry about it, go for a walk or coffee, spend a day with yourself or take a getaway on the weekend with a friend. At the moment you are back home, you will miss your partner and the life you built together.

Categories: Relationships
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