10 Best Plants for Apartments

Just because you live in an apartment in the city where the size is a factor, you do not have to transform your home into the concrete jungle. Add some oxygen to your place with these lush plants requiring minimal care.

Just because you live in an apartment in the city where the size is a factor, you do not have to transform your home into the concrete jungle. Add some oxygen to your place with these lush plants requiring minimal care.

1. Lily of peace
If other lilies are too high maintenance, the water lily is the plant for you. It can survive in the Sun settings. Since we do not all have sun-blessed apartments, so this is useful. He thrives even under fluorescent lights - water once a week and you are good!

2. Cacti
If your aesthetic is more funky and feminine and flowery, cactus are low maintenance plants for you in summer, water once a week and in winter, let alone. Overexposure to direct sunlight can create a laundered and orange look, so keep in a somewhat sunny area.

3. Aloe Vera
In addition to having a Sun Burn Savior natural soldier at your home, this plant involves a minimal effort and is very cute. Water regularly and keep it on a window edge, leaving the two inches of soil dry between hydration. This means that you can go on vacation and not go home in a sad and faded aloe plant.

4. Lavender
A lavender pot is not your daily greenery apartment, but it will transport you to a small town in France every time you open your day. This natural air freshener adds a pop of color and makes a brilliant light with a sufficient ray of sunshine.

5. lucky bamboo
In addition to brewing your lifestyle with a lot of prosperity and luck, it is also easy enough to maintain for the inhabitants of the apartment. This infuse from Feng Shui Apartment will bring a zen indispensable to your living space. Cultivate it in water and moisturizes the hydrate every 2-4 weeks.

6. African Violets
If the green is not your thing, these female flowers add a beautiful whirlwind of purple into your apartment and is easy to take charge. The water just once a week but do not splash on the leaves or water spots might appear.

7. Snake plant
These large elegant plants are one of the most tolerant species of greenery ever. They are perfect for those with a faded green thumb, because even with a low light and sparse water, they will survive. They also purify the air by removing toxins such as benzene and formaldehyde.

8. Succule
The succulents have had a mountain in popularity over the last two years, and it is not too shocking, if you look at their attraction of aesthetic and almost indestructible nature. Just throw them from the sun and H20 every 60 days and you are good!

9. Spider plant
These plants are ideal for hanging the ceiling of the apartment and can be kept short or climbing with its spider legs. This is another low brightness plant and grows extensively.

10. Silver trees
If these plants do not make enough statement for you, monetary trees can reach six or seven feet. It has a beautiful twisted chest that is really a work of art to watch. Monetary trees flourish under the low light, making another versatile plant.

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