10 signs not husband material

Let's admit it: some men are better to watch and have occasional pleasure with, while others give you more than one perma-bae, atmosphere husband who will certainly not ghost you. Here are some signs that it might not get the most out of my incredible husband.

Let's admit it: some men are better to watch and have occasional pleasure with, while others give you more than one perma-bae, atmosphere husband who will certainly not ghost you. Here are some signs that it might not get the most out of my incredible husband.

1. He prefers to play video games and is obsessed with them on all the other things, I. It is in the way of cleaning the house, is in the way of his work and your only time together

2. It sets women when they walk by, and instead of looking deep in your eyes on a date, it is looking at someone's dress too deep to give you the time of the day. We would not even suggest dating this guy, whatever it marry!

3. He chooses his friends on you. You must always maintain your friendships outside your relationship, if it gives priority to its boys on you before doing the knot, you will probably not be a priority after.

4. He does not listen to him and calls you a rifle. While we are all guilty of selective listening, being listening, but when you express something important for you is a really bad foundation for a wedding.

5. He has disrespectful views and opinions about women who are not you. If it is not chivalrous to women and speaks bad about those he does not know, then he must be taught a lesson and should not be a husband.

6. There are problems with your friends and family. It should only support these things, and if it causes conflicts with your support network, coward it! If he does not seek to make progress with them, he does not care enough to be a husband.

7. He keeps the secrets of you that you discovered, and he arrived more than once. We all mistakes to do, but be misleading in a relationship is a number one NO-NO. If he dodges the questions and waves waves, say no to the proposal!

8. You guys fight constantly. Laughter more than you fight is one of the leading basic foods to be in a relationship and keep you in one, but if you have more toxic fights than to love moments, it will not be better in marriage .

9. It is not motivated at all. It is a sofa potato that does nothing as productive, continue its studies, or climb the career levels. He is happy with just installing, and you need a husband who is open and excited about growth.

10. He criticizes your body or appearance. If you really like you, he will not care about makeup, hair, or if you have won some books. And he will certainly not have the audacity to say anything about it. If he does not accept you as is, say goodbye. You are not an object.

Categories: Relationships
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