11 ways to end a bad first date graciously

As women, a sea of ​​first dates can have its ups and downs. Sometimes you meet a wonderful unicorn of a man you did not know existed. At other times, you would like someone's skill in a Heist movie and you could disappear in the ceiling of the restaurant. While you never have an explanation to leave something that makes you feel uncomfortable or bizarre, be graceful will help you go out on top and give you a good karma.

As women, a sea of ​​first dates can have its ups and downs. Sometimes you meet a wonderful unicorn of a man you did not know existed. At other times, you would like someone's skill in a Heist movie and you could disappear in the ceiling of the restaurant. While you never have an explanation to leave something that makes you feel uncomfortable or bizarre, be graceful will help you go out on top and give you a good karma.

1. Always carry money. When you pay with a card, you give the person a chance to say something and it takes time for the waitress to come back with the machine. Just put money for your drink and get out of there as soon as possible.

2. False emergency where a friend calls you. What are friends for anyway? Having a predefined plan in which you have a codeword, a sentence or an emoji that reports to Curie, it's time of GTFOH.

3. Or if it's too much effort and all your friends are tied up, offer a good excuse. Eliminate grandmothers, dead pets and food poisoning are all great excuses that someone will have trouble trying to fight.

4. Make sure your getaway options are accessible and reliable. If there is no abundance of taxis, accessibility to the midviche or nearby train stations, then your evacuation outcome is foiled and you will have to go home!

5. Be honest in a kind and eloquent way, make sure you make sure that you enjoy their friendship, but you do not want to waste their time, and chemistry is just not there or you are not compatible .

6. Sit at the bar or next to the bartender. If your date becomes aggressive or makes you feel uncomfortable, you can at least report to the bartender and have someone close to you so that you do not be isolated with them. A bar seat also provides quick escape as opposed to a table.

7. Say your date that you do not search for commitment or relationship at the moment. Although it may not be true, it's a valuable reason that people do not want to continue getting out of the same person and the same relationships.

8. Tell him that you are single until the wedding! It might seem strange, but on the first date, the last thing a guy wants to hear is that a woman stands on the goods ... indefinitely.

9. Pretend that you are a worker. If you have a very demanding job, your meeting life takes a back seat and your date should understand that, right? You can simulate a work call, an urgent email or a deadline.

10. Tell him that you have terrible period cramps. Period. If this card worked for each gym class with an uncomfortable male teacher, it will work on your date. He will not ask you a question about your menstruation - he will completely want to stay away from the subject and just accept what you say.

11. Talk about your ex, your cat or an incredibly boring subject a long quantity. Like the monologue length. Although this is less graceful and a last minute attempt, it is effective for turning guys.

Categories: Relationships
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