7 ridiculously stupid couple things are fighting

Perfect relationships are not about to accept absolutely everything, they are on compromise and similar perspectives on life. They have about to share fundamental values, while always being ready to listen to the other person and try to understand their differences without judging them. However, this does not mean that people in big relationships do not have a fight.

Perfect relationships are not about to accept absolutely everything, they are on compromise and similar perspectives on life. They have about to share fundamental values, while always being ready to listen to the other person and try to understand their differences without judging them. However, this does not mean that people in big relationships do not have a fight. We all have fights sometimes and I think it's a good as long as it's not too serious. So let's talk about ridiculously stupid things that couples are fighting all the time.

1. "Where do you want to eat?"
Choosing a place to go for lunch or dinner can quickly space in an idiotic fight simply because our days we have too many choices. There are cafes and restaurants at every corner and they are all so different in terms of cooking, comfort and atmosphere. So trying to choose one is hard enough. So you find yourself in a 40-minute conversation on the cafes that ends with you, decide to order a pizza.

2. "What do you want for dinner?"
Talk about ordering. Go out is so popular these days that even a simple question of"What do you want for dinner?" can become a source of stress. Do you remember the good old days when all you really could command was pizza or Chinese? It was good, do not you? These days you can get something delivered to your door in 30 minutes flat, either as simple as pizza, sushi, chinese, mac and cheese, or so complicated as gluten-free dishes Crus vegetality. And when you have all these options, there are only 2 results - order a little bit of everything or anything at all.

3. "What to watch?"
Here is a fun thing. We live in a moment when it is easier to choose a movie in the cinema than to decide what to look at home. Because in the cinema, you can take a look at the 10 -15 films that show and decide which seems most interesting. At home - you all have Netflix, Amazon and Hulu to choose from. Do not mention YouTube. I mean, you can spend the whole evening just scroll through the endless options.

4. "Who will throw garbage?"
The garbage is such a stupid thing to fight, but we have all been there. First of all, you must actually decide on the responsibility it's his own little fight. How do you decide who is the designated trash in the house? On the other hand, if you do it in turn - you are obliged to forget that turn it is when. And even once you understand it, you are always obliged to forget to do it from time to time and this leads to an argument. Everything would be so easier if there was a magical way to make garbage disappear.

5. "Do I look big?"
It was a classic joke on women, as if we are the only ones to feel that way. But these days, even men meet to ask this question. Thank you, and the unrealistic expectations you have defined for the shape of everyone's body. The worst thing is that there is no quick answer to the question of"Do I look big?". You can not say -"Yes". It would be horribly rude. And you can not say"Pfffft, no. It's ridiculous". That makes it conversive. So you have to choose your words and carefully complimencing to please the other person or go for a fight.

6. "I'm fine."
If there is one thing I know in this world is that when someone says"I'm fine" They are certainly not good and it's just a matter of time before turning into a complete fight. To hear these words, it's like watching a bomb that is the timer just started checking.

7. How the toilet roll must suspend
This is the most ridiculous reason, but the most common of the fight. I can not even count how many times I had arguments with people about it, or how many times I changed anger in someone's bathroom. In fact, I'm sure one of the reasons I'm still in a relationship, it's because I and my partner agree on this issue. If we have not imagined, we were going to fight all the time.

Categories: Relationships
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