What is your zodiac sign about your home

Anyone and each astrological sign are a different snowflake and, as such, all personal tastes according to this panel are unique. How do your personality and astrological sign represent through your home? We have interiors for each sign that we hope will help you help.

Each person and astrological sign are a snowflake in different shape, and as such, all personal tastes according to this sign is unique. How are your personality and astrological sign represent in your home? We have some interior designer tips for every sign we hope to help you.

If you are a ram, keep it bright and ventilated! Big, floor at the ceiling windows and sunlight lighting will help you rejuvenate from your adventure, the fire sign life. Muddy colors To depress you, so brighten up your house and mind with small but edifying sun yellow or orange accents on a mute bottom.

Ocher tones complement this sign of land, just like luxurious materials. Fill your space with leaves to bring fresh air and good energy into your home. Spend your money on a large, a sofa and a comfortable mattress that will keep your comfortable and harmonious. The couch will also be useful for your social meetings, since you like entertaining. Sage color, pastel and emerald green stick.

Geminis can be a little more eclectic with their home drawings. Light and adaptable layouts are the best, since you are constantly changing and constantly evolving. Do not put yourself in a box with a strong look. A large dining table will be perfect for your big social gatherings and gay colors like green light blue and the sky will make your good soul.

Water signs are known to keep the accent on the comfort and filling of the house with sentimental trinkets and souvenirs. A vintage, rustic inspired look is the way forward with this sign. So, enjoy the low family's hand and go crazy on the flea market. Why should we choose between comfort and style?

Leos as a royal pad adjustment for a king or queen. Opt for bright colors, like brilliant red red and plum tones. Comfortable but royal is the goal here - a fireplace is your ultimate dream, just like the opulent but sweet textures you choose, like silk and velvet. Upscale furniture is the goal here, but if you can not afford it, fake until you do it with imitation cheap designs - no shame!

Virgos love the functional but pragmatic designs in their home. Instead of useless, costly paintings, you can invest in a high-end lamp or desk that combines beauty beauty and function. Organization is the key here, so you do not carry out colors or flashy packaging textures that out of balance. Naked wire accents like a flat woven carpet get married well, with colors that helps you keep your cool, like soft and white gray with gold, earthy accents.

Scales, you are one with quite refined tastes! We know what it is to have the expensive taste but not be able to allow it. Fortunately, you can find beautiful feminine goods on the cheap, as well as the interior aspects that represent your creativity like canvases, a piano, or an amazing speaker system. Teamy materials like glass will help emphasize your air nature.

A strong dose of Wanderlust is what will make a good Sagittarius home. Try spiritual accents with good juju, like a Tibetan floor cushion or Moroccan carpet. Bookshelves filled with wise philosophers and precious literature. A herbal garden inside, perhaps. Your signs hates industrial perfection and mania, so your home is rough on the edges with wooden accents.

Capricornes are known for their good taste, so do not worry too much. You will do well with clean lines and furniture that is made with cautious crafts - did IKEA in this house! Staff with cherry wardrobe instead. If your budget allows, marble and sandstone notes speak to this sign, and earthy colors will equal down to the nature of the earth of Capricorn.

Aquarius is a little more than one rebel than the rest. Futuristic tendencies mean that you like fresh white tones, blue accents and contemporary, reflective accents. If you go with a pattern, a geometric is your best. Hardwood on safe carpet. It will not be super comfortable, but comfortable is not really your memo anyway.

This house is the equivalent of a sofa of therapists. He is a very intimate retreat. It should be incarnate intimacy, so on the stock-sheets of silk and color palettes inspired by the sea or the sea to help you stay calm. Your home is a little sexy, and a little feminine, filled with hot candles and an incomparable atmosphere, alluding to your spiritual side.

A Scorpio house is full of mysteries and soft and sensual shades. Play with a feeling of depth through the color - mainly in the wines family. The candles will also do well in this house, as well as the decadent and sophisticated libraries and curtains. It's an adult home with a dose of fantasy.

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