#Althatisthree: like mother - like girls

You know the saying "Like the mother, as a girl", but this mother-based mother has taken her new level.

You know the saying "Like the mother, as a girl", but this mother-based mother has taken her new level. Dominique has chosen to leave his job and become a stay at home to take care of his two Amélien and Penny girls a few years ago. Being a stay at the house of the house and work at home can be a little single, so Dominique has taken up Instagram as a way to relieve his loneliness and give him a creative point of view. One day, she accidentally dressed her daughters in high straped and realized that she also wore one, so they had all looked almost identical. They had a good laugh about it and decided to share this fun story on Instagram. The rest is the story. Now Dominique publishes pictures of herself and his daughters dressed in the same way and people like to follow their puffic adventures onInstagram.

While Amelia seems to immerse his mother in most photos, Penny seems to take creative freedoms and pull goofy faces to the camera. This has doubled with the interesting legends of Dominique renders this one from our favorite accounts to follow. Looked!

1. Do not they look like the most cool girl's group in the city?

2. In the clouds, it's the best place to dream big.

3. An image can say a thousand words. Monday morning Dread strikes me already#Althatisthree

4. You can not enter the Christmas spirit? Envelop yourself in slots and try again.

5. Mary Vibes Poppins, Anyone? Penny Sure had the good face for this photo.

6. Inspired by the Newfind love of Penny for the Beatles and Penny Lane (or Penny Jane in this house).

7. If only the set of thrones was this cute.

8. There were three in the bed and the little said .... "Is it the growing time?"

9. TWIRLY Dresses Correspondence, what else do you really need to be happy?

10. Be cool everyone, we will look so pretty, like wooded princesses. Again, who stated that the Woodland princesses can not be goofy?

11. Celebrate a year of#Althatisthree

12. Have you ever seen a more adorable half Wars tribute?

13. Who is the real model here?

14. If you remove one thing from this picture - it is that sunscreen is important.

15. Wear rollers and you shit is always a good idea. And look at what point can be fun!

Categories: Lifestyle
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